Confessions of a Star Wars Obsessed Loser

May 22, 2005 23:18

Hi, and welcome to my confessions series. I have been a little lack-luster in my enthusiasm for this lj thing in the past month+ so I decided to do something to get excited about this again. I've had this thing for over a year. That's pretty good. I'm usually not that motivated.

So, Star Wars Obessed Loser, eh? That I am, I guess. With Revenge of the Sith coming out I've found it very much on my mind. Then after the Star Wars party I started comparing Star Wars to chess. Star Wars and chess. Two uber geeky things. I was so proud once I realized it and I started telling people about it, so sorry if you've already heard every thing about it, but too bad, because this is my journal. Ha.

I was very excited to go see the movie. I couldn't wait until Saturday to see it, but oh well. On the 19th I was having trouble consentrating. I was seeing it THAT NIGHT! I had a lap top with me that day because I had fallen asleep right after supper the night before and hadn't done any homework so I kept telling people "I have a laptop and I'm going to see Star Wars tonight." Like I was telling them that I had just won the Pulitzer Prize or something.

So I saw it. It was AMAZING! Hokey Pete, so amazing. It tied up many lose ends. The big one was HOW Anikan Skywalker became Darth Vador. I mean, I knew that he did it, but I just didn't know the details. My only beef with it is that it could have used more detail. They had to fit a lot into 2 hours. They did a good job, but I could have watched 6 hours of it and not have been bored at all. Maybe a little dehydrated.

Yes, I said dehydrated. Why? There are beverages at the theatre. Because I cried so much. Yes, I've been telling people that too. I know that I say that I felt like a freak, but I'm actually proud of myself, and that is the big reason why I feel like a freak. I wasn't just crying, I was sobbing, and for much of the movie. And in the bathroom afterwards. Be glad that you were not with me, because I was shaking the seats.

It would have been nice to go with people who actually knew what they were talking about though. I'd like to have talked about the fine points of the movie and not. "I can't believe that Anikan is Darth Vador!" or "The Chancellor was the Sith Lord. Woo." Yes. Good observations gooses. If you are reading this, which I don't think you ever do, then I am sorry that I said that, but that is the way I feel.

Now, I know that all my regulars have seen the movie and that is why I included those "earth shattering spoilers." Even though every one probably knew that before hand. Any way. Yeah. If you didn't know, I'm sorry, but who are you and why are you reading my journal?

So, after the movie I slept. And after I slept I went to court. After I went to court I went to English class. After that, Law class was a spare so I worked on my Hamlet journals. I wish that I had them with me so that I could quote myself. I kept on compairing Star Wars to Hamlet. Like Hamlet calling himself a rogue and peasant slave I brought back to that one Sith Lord who could "cure" death. If you are interested I will tell you why.

Yeah. Then I talked to Amanda on the bus about obsessions. I wish that I could tone it down, she wishes that she could tone it up. I think that I'm in the right place with this Star Wars thing. I'm not that obsessed really, compared to the whole Harry Potter era of my life, which still has not died. Wooo. July 16, 2005 I am so ready for you. I'm number one on the waiting list in the library. I might even book that day off work (If I actually manage to get a job) to read it. hat would be swell.

It's getting late, I've written a lot, and my daddy is sleeping on the couch and breatjing loudly and it is making me angry so I need to go. Stay tuned for more confessions. When I start running out of stuff it could get good. Then I might start revealing REAL secrets. Lets just wait and see.

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