[Scene] Ema and Gumshoe in "Someone Scarier than Mr. Edgeworth"

Apr 12, 2009 02:44

Gumshoe: *It's early morning, Gumshoe is sitting back in his office chair with his feet propped up on his desk, basking in the glory of the room’s freshly painted walls. This color feels so much more like home, if he says so himself. It has become a part of his daily routine to take a short breather before getting down to business--a luxury that he's only recently discovered after his move up in rank*

Ema: *there's a ding from the hallway as the elevators open on the floor-- immediately following that is the sound of heavily stamping feet, THUD THUD THUD, approaching the open office doors*

Gumshoe: ...? *the stamping is loud enough for him to detect, even from his corner. He sits up in alarm; the first angry face to pop into his mind is Mr. Edgeworth's… Has he screwed something up, again? He can't think of anything he could have done in recent days...*

Ema: *in storms Ema Skye, who's about five sizes too small for the amount of noise she's making. She storms up to the right side of the room in a huff-- ..... only to find that the Chief of Police's desk is not located there as it was before. Rounding on her heel, she marches over to the right spot, about one touch under breathing fire and brimstone* Mr.-- MR. GUMSHOE.

Gumshoe: *is genuinely surprised when he realizes the figure that emerges through the doorway is not Mr. Edgeworth at all. He watches in confused silence as the petite young woman stomps to the other side of his office as if in search for something before turning his way*
Gumshoe: ...?? *he gulps at the tone of her voice--which happens to be dripping with something unmistakably vengeance*

Ema: How could you! *slams a paper down on his desk with her hand. Her wrathful expression contorts into one of sorrow as she laments again:* How could you!

Gumshoe: *at this point he's kinda wishing it had been Mr. Edgeworth that came into his office instead of...who was this girl, again? She looks awful familiar....but he just can't put his finger on it. All he can offer her is a confused blink* Can I help you, pal...?

Ema: YES. Yes, you had better-- *glaring at him, she suddenly recoils in horror-- and then leans forward over the desk accusingly* Did you... did you forget who I am?!

Gumshoe: *gulps, again*

Ema: You... you did, didn't you? It's EMA SKYE! You know-- *shoves the paper she'd slammed onto his desk forward, over to him-- she notices a particular photo frame buried on the clutter of his desk and swipes at it, holding it in front of the man's eyes* See, here! You even have a photo of me!

Gumshoe: *stares blankly at her...then at the paper...and then at the photo pushed in front of his face. It takes a good minute for him to process all this, but everything eventually clicks into place* ....OH!

Ema: Yes. Now do you get it?! *drops the photo back onto the table and crosses her arms* Go ahead! Read the letter!

Gumshoe: *does exactly as commanded. Reading is not usually his strongest suit, but he skims the letter as fast as his brain can keep up with his eyes* "Congratulations...pleased to offer...position as detective...homicide branch...." *upon finishing, he looks up at her with a wide grin. He holds his hand out, momentarily forgetting the state of rage she's in * Well, hey! Glad to have you on board, pa...!

Ema: *GLARES, slapping the back of his hand out of the way* Yes, yes, IF I HAD BEEN APPLYING TO BE A DETECTIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Gumshoe: *jumps when his hand is slapped away--more out of shock than pain, and rubs the back of it with a wounded expression on his face* S-sorry, pal... *looks at her questioningly, unable to comprehend what other position anyone would possibly apply for* Er, refresh my memory for me, won't ya? What exactly did ya ask for...?

Ema: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATOR. *can't possibly be shouting any louder--at this point, she's back into what seems like a near state of tears* I wanted to-- wanted to be in the forensics department!
Ema: You've got to be able to do that--you're the Chief! Tell me this is all a mistake or a mixup, or--- or something!

Gumshoe: *feels a bit teary himself, but for a completely different reason. It finally occurs to him that he needs to pull himself together. Like she said, he is Chief, after all* I...uh... *clears his throat* That's real unfortunate, Detec-- Er, Ms. Skye, but I'm 'fraid it’s out of my hands...

Ema: *looks at him, all hurt and (temporarily) lulled in anger* But--but why!?

Gumshoe: *sympathetically* It-it musta been bad timing or somethin'…! *at this point he's just pulling excuses out of his ass and nods at her assuringly* They probably didn't have any openings... But I'm sure you can get a transfer! Erm--sooner or later…

Ema: ...Really? *a spark of hope illuminates in her eyes* Do you mean it, Mr. Gumshoe?!

Gumshoe: Er...um... *is taken aback by her sudden mood swing. He probably shouldn't be irresponsible by giving her false hope, but he nods again, anyway--this time vigorously* Yes? I mean, yeah, pal! You'll be squirting your "looming tall" all over the place before ya even know it!

Ema: My looming-- oh! *stares at him, skeptically for a moment* ............
Ema: ...Okay. I'll believe you. *folds her arms again* But... promise you'll tell me first thing, once there's an opening?

Gumshoe: *relieved to see she's significantly calmed down* Of course! I guarantee, you'll be the first one to know!

Ema: ... Alright. Alright, thank you--Chief! *smiles--then beams brightly* I can't wait!! And I won't let you down-- I'll be best investigator there is, just you wait and see!

Gumshoe: Attagirl! *grins and holds his hand out once again--confident that this time, she won't be slapping it away* Welcome to the force, pal! As of today, you're…Detective Skye! Erm, at least for the time being, of course! *he adds quickly*

Ema: ...Thanks! *shakes his hand, enthusiastically* Oh, and I'm sorry for hitting you, just now... Chief.

Gumshoe: Oho! *chuckles* Apology accepted! It's good to see ya got some fight in ya! ...Just be sure to use it more on the criminals and not on the rest of us, y'hear?

Ema: Got it! I'll, uh... *glances off, towards the door* I'll go check in downstairs, I guess. ...I think I have a few people I need to apologize to, on the way down...

Gumshoe: Erm, yeah, you do that, pal. *hands the paper back* Oh...! Give my regards to yer sister for me, will ya?

Ema: Mm? Oh, sure! *takes the paper, folding it and placing it back into her purse* Alright--I'm off! *and already, she's heading over to the doors* See you soon, Chief Gumshoe!

Gumshoe: *waves at her back* We're countin' on ya, pal!

Ema: *disappears out the door, in a considerably better mood than when she entered*

Gumshoe: *lets out a sigh of relief once he's sure she's gone and slumps back into his chair, absolutely exhausted* Rookies these days... *he chuckles, shaking his head as he shuffles some papers around on his desk, trying to busy himself. He sure hopes that's the last of any angry, unexpected visitors this morning...but unfortunately, there would be a few more in concern of the alleged ruckus Ms. Skye stirred up on her way to see him...*

detective skye, scene, who's the boss now!, woe is me

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