[Scene] Trucy and Gumshoe in Cute Animals with Deadly Names

Mar 05, 2009 19:10

Gumshoe: *sits peacefully on an old wooden bench located in a corner of People Park, leash in hand as Missile settles on his haunches, panting happily at people passing by. The retired police dog is getting up there in age, and Gumshoe has found it necessary to take short breaks during their daily walks. He remembers Wright's little magician daughter saying that she'd like to have a play date with them and keeps an eye out for a little girl in blue and her new kitten. He flashes his shiba inu a grin* Ya better mind yer manners, Missile.

Trucy: *Trucy is strolling through the park as well, (though, strangely enough, Bullets is nowhere in sight) keeping her eyes peeled for the scruffy looking chief and his dog. She spots him at the bench, but instead opts to loop around so that she ends up behind the bench. She remains silent until she's right behind him, and then, quite cheerful and boisterously* Hello, Chief Gumshoe!

Gumshoe: Ah-GUH! *Jumps about a foot at the sudden voice. He immediately turns around as Missile cocks his head curiously at the young girl, his tail beating against the ground vigorously.* Oh hey! Ya scared me there, little missy!

Trucy: *puts a hand to her mouth, and giggles* Sorry, sir, I really couldn't resist. *she takes note of the dog and grins, walking toward him* So, this is Missile, huh? What a cute doggy you are! Yes, such a cute doggy! *she bends down to scratch his ear* I bet you're a great police dog, aren't you?

Missile: *pants excitedly and attacks Trucy's hand with sloppy kisses*

Gumshoe: Yep, this is Missile, former K-9 extraordinaire! *smiles proudly, patting the dog on the head* He was the third best of his graduating class! *suddenly notices the lack of Trucy's furry friend and looks around* Oh hey, where's your little pal?

Trucy: *straightens up* Little pal? Oh, you mean Bullets! Why, he's right here, of course! *just as she says that, her top hat shudders slightly and a gray and white kitten pokes its head out from under the brim. Trucy reaches up and takes him into her hands, stroking his nose* He really likes my hat.

Gumshoe: *blinks in surprise before his face suddenly lights up with utter joy* Oho! T-that's an amazing trick, little missy! You really are a magician! *he reaches down and teases Bullets with a burly, wiggling finger.*

Trucy: *smiles brightly, as Bullets sniffs Gumshoe with little hesitation, and then jumps into the palm of his hand, batting at his thumb* Oh, whoops!

Gumshoe: *his face nearly melts with delight at the sight of the adorable kitten now boxing his thumb. Bullets is so small that Gumshoe's afraid he might actually hurt him.* He's real friendly, ain't he? *he bends down and holds the gray kitten to Missile's eye-level*

Missile: *sniffs the little fur ball curiously but politely, careful to mind his manners. His tail wags at full speed now*

Trucy: *Bullets leans forward, sniffing at Missile. Trucy beams* Aww, look at that - they like each other!

Gumshoe: They sure do, don't they! *Gumshoe warmly watches the two like as if a father watching his children*

Missile: *sniffs Bullets back...and he sure must like the scent of him because to Gumshoe's horror, the dog sticks his pink tongue out and licks the kitten right in the face*

Trucy: *Bullets jerks away, his ear pinning back against his head, he lets out a hiss, and slowly backs up. He jumps out of Gumshoe's hand and runs back toward Trucy, who leans down to pick him up, but before she can do so...*

Gumshoe: *Missile cocks his head in confusion, oblivious to the offense he has committed. He immediately concludes that the kitten must want to play and chases after him with a speed unlike that of a canine senior citizen. Gumshoe stares open-mouthed as Missile's leash pulls out of his loose grip and two blurs--one tiny grey one, and one medium brown one, dash off into the distance.*

Trucy: *Trucy lets out a gasp* Oh no! Bullets! *with that, she runs off after the two animals, her blue cape streaming out behind her*

Gumshoe: *as soon as Trucy starts off running, Gumshoe does, too. He's in far less shape than the young girl, but his longer legs help to keep up with their four-legged friends...he tries to grab Missile's trailing leash, but just when it's within reach, Bullets and Missile take a sharp turn, causing the uncoordinated man to tumble onto the wet grassy ground*

Trucy: Oooh! *Trucy lets out a squeal, and skids to a halt and turns to Gumshoe, nearly falling herself. She hurries to him and bends down* Are you okay, Chief Gumshoe?

Gumshoe: *He's had enough scrapes and bruises over the course of his life to know he's not permanently damaged, but when he looks down, he frowns at the obvious muddy mess his pants are now. Looks up at Trucy in embarrassment* Ah, I'm fine, little missy. Don't worry about me...We gotta catch your kitty!

Trucy: Yes, you're right! *she glances around anxiously* I think they went that way! Here. *she helps him stand up, takes his hand and pulls him off in the direction their pets have taken. They reach a corner of the park bordered with bushes, and Trucy spots a leash sticking out from under one. She points* There!

Gumshoe: *lets his arm be pulled as he awkwardly limps after her...athough, he's not running like this because his leg hurts, but because his pants are now damp and stick to his legs uncomfortably.* Missile, come here, pal! *he calls loudly as they approach the bush. He quickly grabs the leash sticking out of the bush and tugs. On the other end is Missile, stubbornly digging his paws into the ground, determined to up a fight. He happens to like it where he is.*

Trucy: Bullets? *Trucy's gaze searches for her kitten* Bullets? Are you in there? *with that, she crawls into the bush so that just her legs stick out, and wriggles about, trying to maneuver so she can see*

Gumshoe: *crouches down and watches as one half of Trucy does a disappearing act into the bushes.* Ya see him in there? *meanwhile, he's still on the losing end of tug-of-war with stubborn old Missile*

Trucy: I... don't see him. *she wiggles her way in a bit more* Bullets! Here kitty kitty! *a pause* Oh! There he is!

Gumshoe: *Missile growls relentlessly at his master, but finally acknowledges his defeat with a whimper, as an especially strong heave successfully drags him from his hiding place. Gumshoe sighs in relief before wagging his finger at the dog* Bad boy, Missile! *the dog shamefully hangs his head, now covered in muddy twigs and leaves, and whimpers. Gumshoe then turns back to Trucy* Ya need any help there, pal?

Trucy: Nope! I've almost got him! Here, Bullets, come here! *finally, Trucy wriggles back out, a dirty Bullets cupped in her hands. She's quite messy herself, with twigs sticking out of her slightly askew hair and a few scratches on her cheeks and arms, but otherwise she appears okay. She gently pets the kitten, who's fur is raised, and is still eying Missile warily*

Gumshoe: *looks at the dirty kitten apologetically and then back at Trucy* Real sorry about that, little missy. It sure looks like we could all use a good shower about now. *laughs good-naturedly despite the failure this little play date has turned out to be.*

Trucy: *shakes her head* It's all right, really. I'm just glad we got them back safe and sound. And, I'm sure Missile didn't mean to scare Bullets. *she takes a step toward the police chief and his dog* Here, can't you two get along?

Gumshoe: *Missile is more than eager to get along, and lets out two friendly barks to show it. Gumshoe gives his leash a quick tug, but not hard enough to actually hurt him.* Hey pal, you'll scare the little guy even more! *it's probably just a coincidence, but Missile seems to settle down a bit and instead of barking, calmly sniffs the kitten this time.*

Trucy: *Bullets allows Missile to sniff him, then tentatively leans forward to touch noses with the dog*

Gumshoe: Oh, will you look at that! They're best pals now, aren't they? *smiles happily at Trucy*

Trucy: *grins* Seems like it!*she leans over and watches the two with a look of utter glee for a moment, then looks up at Gumshoe* Would you like to go for some noodles, Chief Gumshoe? *she tips her hat* My treat.

Gumshoe: *dumbfounded, he blinks at the immense generosity this little girl before him is capable of* That sounds great, little missy! *pauses* But on second thought, ya better let me do the treating...I don't think I'd hear the end of it from your pops if I let ya pay. *jollily laughs and scratches the back of his head*

Trucy: *winks* Well, if you insist, sir. Let's go!

Gumshoe: Let's! *tightens his hold on Missile's leash and allows the ex-police dog to lead the way* Does Bullets like noodles, too?

Trucy: *giggles* Of course! Noodles are a staple part of every Wright family member!

Gumshoe: As how it should be for any healthy family! *winks at Trucy and gently rubs Bullets between the ears, causing the kitten to purr softly. Looks around to examine the extent of the damage to everyone's clothes and fur...which is actually, quite noticeable, but he shrugs and keeps walking, anyway. Eldoon may be in for a bit of a surprise when he sees their mud-caked appearance, but a little dirt never got in the way of enjoying some good, old, salty noodles. The foursome continue to cheerily stroll in the direction of the waiting food stand, stomachs rumbling with anticipation.*

scene, missile is my dog, little missy

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