re: More bad karma for Carnival

Apr 10, 2013 18:31

They are going to try to move Triumph (talk about a miss-named ship) back to the shipyard for more repairs later this week. She tore up the original place she was moored (ripped out the posts she was tied to) and took out 40 ' of a neighboring dock so they have been making sure the new mooring was heavily enough reinforced & that they can safely get her across the river & secured. That big a ship faced with nearly hurricane force winds really can't be kept at a dock, that is why they usually go to sea to avoid storms.
  Unfortunately they have not yet found the body of the missing man. Divers are out there everyday searching, but he is probably tangled in or under some of the debris from all that damage and there is no visibility below 20 ', so the divers are having to go by feel. I have a lot of admiration for the courage & determination of those divers-  they want closure for his family so they aren't quitting. Unfortunately we are do for severe weather tomorrow.
  Good news-wise -the baby wrens in the cat litterbox are doing great. When I do yard work I put any bugs I find on the sidewalk & the parent birds grab them up right away & feed the babies- then which ever one did the feeding will hop on a branch & give me a song- very cute!
  Papa bluebird is hard at work in the new bluebird box I put up a few moths back- hoping I'll have baby bluebirds soon!
  I ate the last of the loquats off my tree -yum!- & fertilized it, hopefully I'll get another crop. I have a new big critter visiting the backyard- droppings as big as a large labrador retriever. I'm guessing it is a big coon.  There are a few grapefruit left on the ground- every couple of days I cut one up so the critters can eat them. Muu was the only critter able to open them & eat 'em without help- there were never any laying on the ground untouched while she was around!
Here are the wondertwins, Shan & Sebastian -

ship, news, cats, animals

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