Birthday Weekend, Oh So Fabulous!

Feb 26, 2008 08:49

Nothing will ever beat my golden birthday shenanigans from last year, too many things happened were of epic proportions. This year's birthday celebration was a very close second, but it still brought the memories. I thought I will celebrate my birthday with one thing like dinner, no but I did with two events over the course of the weekend. It was so much fun. Actually make that three, I had a birthday celebration at work wheer the theme was of all my favorite things or things they associate me with (crystal light, gatorade and cheesecake lol. That about sums me up at work lol. It was really cute though I even got a cute card where everyone in my department signed it, it totally made my day :) Oodles of fun continued into Friday night with Korean BBQ and Saturday night at the Ruby, the photo album is at the link below, they tell a better story than me being super long winded about it all......

Show Stoppers: Birthday Weekend!

Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday whether by phone, text message, Facebook, IM or whatever, it truly was a special day and I am so grateful that everything, I am mean everything worked out beautifully and for once everything I hoped for actually happened (and not a moment too soon!)

I still wish it was my birthday weekend still, because there are 2 papers for class that I really don't want to get to and it is driving me nuts, another long night ahead, lame!
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