--So I do this photography thing on the side, sort of, and yesterday I got to shoot the cutest baby girl for her 6 month pictures, and good heavens did she have the biggest, prettiest eyes! I've already edited almost 50 of the 440(!!!!) that I took.
--I rewatched the S5 Grey's/S2 PP crossover episodes today, and can I just say that I really really love the group dynamic of Archer/Addison/Derek/Mark/Sam/Naomi? I would like more please.
--ALSO something that I have noticed about these crossovers: whenever Addison shows back up in Seattle, Alex just drops whatever attending whose service he's supposed to be on and follows her around like a puppy. Like, seriously, Alex. You're her bitch. It's just true.
--While I am talking about Grey's, can we figure out some reason for Kevin McKidd's accent to make an appearance? And maybe have him be in a kilt? I mean I'd be cool with just one of these things, but both would be great too.
summerstorm, I am only four scenes away from finishing your Meredith/Alaric fic! ......with as long as it's taken me to write, I hope it's at least kinda good. :|
--I am not throwing in the
het_bigbang towel yet, but it's looking exceedingly unlikely, what with all my shows premiering this week (minus TVD, obvs).
--SPEAKING OF TVD. I'm not going to go into detail on my thoughts but can I just note that JEREMY GILBERT, DAMN. If you keep getting better looking every season I might explode.
--John Mayer. What can I say about John Mayer. Poor baby and his poor vocal cords and that stupid granuloma. I wanted that CD.
--Dance technically started again this morning, but I didn't go because I feel crappy. I'm going to the class on Monday night, though. It'll be something to look forward to after work! I'm really hoping adding this extra class will mean that I get a fun part in The Nutcracker this year. I've never gotten to be in The Nutcracker before! *crosses ALL THE FINGERS*
--Okay FINALLY. Prayers/good thoughts/etc requested, because I applied for a Language Arts teaching job at the middle school three minutes from my house, and I really really really want it. Of course right now I just want to get an interview. So. Yeah.