Aug 22, 2005 21:22
I'm home and it's weird. I guess if you stay in one place long enough, you forget that you'll eventually have to leave it for someplace else. I love that island and the people there, but I love the city and the people here too. I don't know, I'm in limbo. I just keep hearing "Sweet Pine Island" in my head. I don't want it to sound like I'm not glad to be home, but it's making me feel a little down right now. I probably just have too much free time to think about it. When school starts I'll have a lot to think about and camp will be off my mind until the summer gets closer... but I miss it right now. And I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
Dina, we need to hang out. My brothers cats are here (although he's in Europe) so you should come and see the kitties. We just need to hang out. Soon.
I need to feel better. I'm sick and sad and that's not a good combination.
"I miss Pine Island
Like I miss my family..."