A little different this week...
Where on Earth is George Sandiego?
I got called on my hinting method last week. So we're trying something different this time around:
Today I'm in what is the home of the legendary Pisco Punch. The creator of this cocktail made it famous in the late 1800's or early 1900's, but died before anyone ever extracted the recipe from his noggin. For this reason, there are multiple variations but no one definitive mix.
Unlike New York, a city which gets destroyed at least once a year in a major Hollywood summer blockbuster, this city was ACTUALLY destroyed IRL!
This city was the backdrop of a popular PKD novel which had its geography changed to a futuristic culturally mashed-up Los Angeles when turned into a cult film.
I've been reading Kerouac lately and this city makes a brief appearance pretty early in "On The Road."
Quite apropos, Carmen Sandiego's HQ is located here.
And lastly, when you're here, be sure to try the crab.
Where in the United States is George Sandiego?