How to make a Pie

Aug 21, 2009 17:25

In the continueing saga of Pie in my household I present the following:

2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of oil (Wesson)
1/4 cup of Milk (2% or more) [should be cold]

Note: Don't mix the milk and oil

Add flour and salt, mix with fork in a large bowl. Combine milk and oil do not stir.
Pour oil and milk into center of flour and salt. Using a fork drag flour through center
and then fold mixture until the flour is absorbed. If gummy add a small sprinkle of flour
If crumbly dry add a small drizzel of oil. This varies with kinds of flour.

Form into round ball try not to pack it tight. Divide into two parts one slightly larger
than the other for the bottom crust. Roll into pie crust between two sheets of wax paper

Add a slight amount of butter or margarine to top crust of pie. For most pies you will want
to sprinkle a small amount of cinimon sugar mix.

peel apples until they slightly over flow a pie pan

stir these together before adding to apples
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1/4 tsp of cin.
1 1/2 tbsp flower

Put all in a pot on stove awith 2tbsp of water and cook until sugar is melted and apples are slightly soft


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