Title: Obsession Part 2/2
Genre: Angst, suspense, thriller
Pairing: jongkey
Rating: pg13
Summary: A crazy fan obsession turns into something deadly
A/N: Inspired and helped by lynnxalters. This was a scene from a kpop roleplay group.
He jolted awake to a burning sensation on his wrist. What in the hell was she was doing?! His eyes dropped, taking in the knife that was currently slicing through his skin. He screamed.
She looks at him with a crazed smile. “Ah! You’re awake! Look, you have a present.” She points at his bleeding wrist. “I'll wash it away with some salt water, hold on.” She quickly leaves.
He stares at his wrist in shock. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” He carefully wipes some of the blood away, trying to figure out what she was trying to do this time. Blood kept gushing out of the cuts, making it impossible to see. “Fuck!”
She comes back in with a glass of salt water and pours it over his wrist. “It's a key. It's all you keep saying while you're dreaming. You don't have to say it anymore!”
He screams in agony. “Dammitttttt!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!” He tries to move but finds his bindings have gotten even tighter, not even allowing a slight shift in position.
He cusses and swears all obscenities he can think of at her. She just smiles, leaves, and comes back with another dog bowl, filled with looked like slimy, raw, cut up meat. The smell and sight nearly made Jonghyun gag and throw up. She places it next to him and cocks her head to the side.
“You’re much more upset about your wrist. Have you forgotten about your chest? Why does this bother you more?” He flings his head to the side, gritting his teeth and not answering her questions.
If she found out the truth, he wouldn’t be the only one in danger.
He loved Kibum.
He and Key had been together for nearly two years. Jonghyun would have preferred only he and Key know, but their sneaky little maknae found them in a rather compromising situation one day and they couldn’t lie their way out of it. Once Taemin knew, Onew instantly found out. And Minho just said, “It was as obvious as how much Jinki hyung likes chicken.” It was SHINee’s little secret. No family nor other friends knew.
Jonghyun could feel her cold eyes stabbing into his skull. He shuddered involuntarily and looked down at his wrist. He could finally see the key she made. Tears stung his eyes.
Yes, he and Key had been together for nearly two years. The crucial part being,“had been.” Not even hours before this whole disaster, Kibum had broken up with him. Work had taken its toll on both of them. Tired, sick, and lonely, he couldn’t do it anymore.
It killed Jonghyun when he heard the words “it’s over” come from Kibum’s soft and perfect lips. He remembered crying and being angry at the entire world. He had run from the dorm to escape….that must have been when his crazy stalker got him.
There was a large black garbage bag pushed to his feet. He looked at it anxiously. Whatever it was, it wasn’t moving (thankfully), but it was hard and made hollow clashing sounds when he shoved it with his leg.
In his mix of memories of Key and curiosity of the black bag, he was left unguarded. A rag came down over his mouth, making him breathe in through it. He felt light headed, his eyes going cross as he passed out.
When he came to again, he was unchained and free to move around. He stretched out and stood up, walking around the small, filthy room. He walked into that same black bag. Bending over, he cautiously opened the top, eyes widening as he realized what exactly he was looking at.
A loud rap on the door. “Did you come to? Make sure to eat and use the bathroom.”
A slight shuffle. “Hm? They're just bones. I thought dogs liked bones.”
He walked up to the door and pounded on it. “I AM NOT A DAMN DOG!”
“Please don't yell, Mutt. Are you lonely? I was going to get you company.”
Jonghyun’s face fell. No. Surely she didn’t mean…. “You can’t!”
“You're in there. I'm out here. I can do whatever I want to do.”
He heard her move away and the front door open and close. He frantically looked around the room. He had to get out of here. Now.
Nothing worked.
The windows were barred. The door was metal. The floor was cement. There was no way out.
He collapsed in the middle of the room and sobbed. He was going to die here. He was going to die here alone. He was going to die here without telling Kibum goodbye.
Hours passed and he laid there, tears long ago dried up. He resigned to the fact that he most certainly was going to die, and it was going to be painful and long. He also accepted he would never see his friends and family again, no goodbyes, no “I love you”s.
So lost in thought, he didn’t hear the door open and close again. She used all her strength to pull him back over to the bed and chain him up once more. He accepted it, like he accepted everything else. There was no use fighting. No use.
He whispers, “Kibum…”
“All you think about. I wonder what it'll take for you to stop. What will it take?”
He closes his eyes and takes slow breaths. “You can never… take him… away from me…. I…will always…love him… If you..kill him…I die…too…”
“I hope you understand that I don't care much for your life or his. Or mine.”
That stupid rag over his face again. It smelled so bad and made him nauseous, but it brought sweet slumber and he breathed it in hungrily. Let the pain drift away to sleep.
He would have rather have been woken up to that searing pain of a knife entering his skin than that blood curdling scream. As soon as his eyes shot open, they landed on a familiar face, however contorted in pain. He instinctively tried to rush to his aid, but he was thoroughly tied to the bed. His dry throat tried calling out, but no sound escaped.
She was leaning over the other man’s bare chest, circling that damned knife around his heart looking as if she was going to cut it right out.
Jonghyun finally squeaked out a pathetic, “Stop!” gaining the attention of his fan for a brief moment.
“You’re awake,” she laughed. “I brought you company, see?” She trailed a finger down the “company’s” cheek. “I will take away everything from you. Including Key.” Her smile grew as she dug the blade into Kibum’s chest more.
Jonghyun couldn’t take this anymore. He yelled, “Leave him the fuck alone! He didn’t do anything to you! It’s me who you want! I will do anything-ANYTHING!! Just please don’t hurt him!”
Her evil cackle echoed in the small space, but she lowers the knife and advances toward the bed. “I said I don’t care about his life. Nor yours.”
He whimpers. “Please…I’ll…I’ll…I’ll sing…just for you!”
“Then do it.”
“Only if you let him go!”
“Are you ordering me, Mutt?” she sneers.
“Please!! JUST PLEASE!!”
“Or what?”
“You already did enough damage for a lifetime to me. That’s what you wanted. For me to suffer. Don’t bullshit me and say that you love me. This isn’t love!” He tugs on the chains to emphasize his point. “This is torture.”
She takes a step back away from him.
Softly, he begs, “Kill me. Just kill me.”
She shakes her head. “You aren’t thinking straight.”
“Get over here and slit my throat!”
Angrily, she holds out the knife and places it against the unconscious Key’s throat. “I’ll kill him first.”
“NO!” Jonghyun cries and pulls at the chains. “KILL ME FIRST!”
She looks between the two of them as if thinking of something. “…You love him.”
No reason to lie now. “Yes, I do.”
“Do you think he loves you for more than your voice?” He nods slowly. “Do you want to put that to the test?” She runs back over to Jonghyun, loosening up some of the chains to get him to sit up against the wall. Placing the knife against his throat she hisses, “I’ll cut out your tongue and we’ll really see if he loves you as you claim.” She forces his mouth open and tugs out his tongue roughly.
Jonghyun was frozen in place, his eyes glued to Kibum. He was awake, his eyes large and pinned to Jonghyun’s. And he knew. Jonghyun knew that Kibum still loved him. He knew that Kibum knew he still loved him. That’s all he needed to know. What happened after this didn’t matter.
He was loved by the man he loved most.