When will it happen?!

Mar 19, 2012 21:52

I'm here to rant about my personal grudge against Japan on not bringing KARA to any Arashi shows still. Haha!
You see, I love both Arashi and KARA, as well as other groups like SHINee and SNSD.
But I really want to see KARA with Arashi soon! >.<

KARA has met News, Kat-Tun, Kanjani8, Hey!Say!Jump!, and will be in the same episode of Music Station 2 HR Special on April with Kisumai. Now, why not with Arashi still?

There's this upcoming 2 HR Special episode of Tore, I'm hoping KARA would get to interact with Aiba-chan, if not really!! Urgh.

Here's Kisumai and KARA's awkward meeting on Coming Soon! last night.

Oh le awkwardness. Oh well, it's because they're attracted to each other. WHAT! Hahaha XDD
Goodnight (:

!personal, fandom: kara

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