Corned Beef Hash -Yo!

Jan 09, 2025 21:30

Since I'm taking a casein and lactose free month I can't make porridge, it wouldn't be great with almond milk, not matter what vegans might claim, it'd be thin and watery. I'm going to make this recipe instead. You can't buy corned beef in tins over here annoyingly, as you can in England, It's just beef brined as far as I know. I can buy it uncooked as a beef joint. I need to start brining meat, apparently it makes the best roast chicken. It's the next level.

I also can't make mashed potato or my favourite, potato gratin. I'm making Spanish type potatoes instead.
The great question - to parboil or not to parboil? I fall on the to parboil side. I'll probably cook the peppers and onion separately and mix them all in at the end. It's all good with a poached egg on top.
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