(no subject)

Nov 30, 2024 23:24

I have to say that I've been less miserable since starting kefir. I put this down to simply feeling a bit better, autoimmune disorders are miserable and depressing, when you can barely drag yourself out of bed.

I voted in the general election yesterday, I couldn't talk about politics, even here, and not be bothered to get up off my arse and go out and vote. It looks like a convicted criminal, Gerry Hutch, a proper old school Dublin criminal, will be elected to the Dail. He has close links in the north inner city, he bought the building that houses the Corinthians boxing club, where Kellie Harrington trained, and gave it to the club for peppercorn rent, a euro a year. In the Irish Times a journalist wrote that voting for Hutch reflected badly on voters in the Inner City, but it wasn't Hutch that sold, and continues to sell, all the Irish housing stock after the property crash to vulture funds, who pay no tax on rent and keep house prices high. In fairness, I wouldn't have voted for Hutch, he's seen as a 'good' criminal as he isn't associated with drugs, which devastated the inner city, which is horseshit, all the biggest criminals are associated with drugs in some way. It's funny the way we see things in terms of good and evil, in a narrative sense.

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