Oct 18, 2024 16:38
I'm watching Pink Floyd: The Wall. As a big Pink Floyd fan (my favourite song of their's is Free Four, that's how much of a proper fan I am) I'm surprised I haven't gotten around to watching it already.
Now that I have a bit more cash to splash as I'm off the grog I'm cooking duck, as well as steak, the odd time. It's interesting how duck breast is cooked, you season the skin side with salt, then lay it skin side down in a cold frying pan and cook it for ten minutes on medium-low heat, then turn it for no more than two minutes. There's so much fat in duck you have about a centimeter of fat in the pan, good for roast potatoes if I ever thought ahead.
I had some of my home fermented kefir yesterday, it was fine after the first time fermenting, normally it has to settle down for a week, meaning you have to make it every day, discard the result and start again, I think because it doesn't like temperature changes, and it probably gets warmed up in transit, but it got to me very quickly and the post vans down the west probably date from the seventies. It's a bit strange to me that once I keep adding it back into milk it'll keep on producing kefir forever. The first batch was a bit strong so I'm adding more milk, it thickens a lot. In a few weeks it'll multiply so I'll end up throwing some of the grain out.