Itchy Rash

Sep 24, 2024 20:49

I've had an itchy rash the past few days, a reaction I think to the magnesium. I've never had a rash before so it seems likely. I was going to lower the dose but I powered through, like a hero! I'm almost grateful for a reaction, most supplements don't do anything.

Im reading Wild Houses, a first novel by an Irish writer, Colin Barrett, whose short stories collections have picked up lots of awards, not surprisingly.
'... Nicky considered Cillian a manifest gobshite and an utter trial to be around. He possessed a certain kind of intelligence, a malicious restlessness that contracted to a sharp point whenever he discerned a vulnerability, and he liked to let his mouth run. When he did, as now, it was inevitable that something cruel and unwarranted would eventually come out of it. Everything to him was sourly amusing and fleeting, there to be derided and dispensed with.'

Next up is Dostoyevsky in Love: An Intimate Life, which I'm looking forward to. I was thinking the other day, in bed at night probably, that with Dostoyevsky you get a kind of hyper realism.

Christofi's history of Cyprus, Cypria, looks like it'd be worth reading, especially if you conduct a follow up trip to, er, verify its contents.

I found that the skin on my back is flaking, something that's never happened before. Apparently taking too much magnesium results in diarrhea, so I'm probably not overdoing it. I need to warm up anyway, although this might be optimism on my part.
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