I’ve Seen the Light (Part Two)

Sep 23, 2024 04:30

I realised tonight that my once a week, like clockwork, drinking has been down to my OCD. I've had this behaviour before, I wasn't so bad that I was turning the light switch off five times or anything, but I noticed that before I'd leave the house I'd check if, say, the immersion was off, then the cooker was all off, etc. I read somewhere that OCD is a neurotic manifestation of fear of leaving the house, and it was with me. I'd make myself put on my bones and go straight out the door. Something unexpected happened as well, I'd been overdressing without realising it,  it too much, I wasn't wearing a coat and scarf in summer, but an extra layer, and now I was just going out in a t-shirt. This kind of behaviour has to be squashed out straightaway. It was staring me in the face as well, I even said that if I didn't stop drinking on Saturday night I'd  be doing it for the rest of my life. It also explains why I found it so annoying the next day.

I also realised that it's obviously not the water that seems to be improving my condition, it's most likely the magnesium, as that's the newest addition to my arsenal of supplements. I've been taking it for four weeks now, it takes time to build up stores, especially in bone I'd think.

I realised both of these tonight, I'd gone upstairs to have a lie down at about half ten, still wrecked by last nights drinking, and in between snoozing saw why I was drinking. The magnesium should have been obvious but I'd forgotten about it funnily enough. I've had many many hypotheses for my ill health, most probable, but mengesium seems more likely than most, with the general deficiency and any diuretic draining it. The drinking thing was staring me in the face, I don't think I would have realised it if I hadn't been between snoozes, I'm not saying my unconscious suggested it but my mind being rested seemed to help.
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