Aug 04, 2024 21:39
I'm thinking now that I've been drinking because I don't have anything to do. It's ridiculous, if everyone who was in watching tv on a Saturday night drank there'd be a whole lot more alcoholics about. I didn't get any cans tonight even though tomorrow's a bank holiday. Instead of cans I had my coldest plunge yet - 6.1c, way to celebrate! It wasn't that bad actually, but you do seem to feel every .1c less.
My blood test should be back this week, I'm not expecting anything outside the normal range apart from my LDL cholesterol, typical with a LCHF diet. Weak stomach lining won't show up on any test I think, and I'm screwed if I'd give a biopsy of it, if they even do that.
I was thinking that maybe I've been buying things as well because I don't have anything to do, but I don't think that's the case. Buying something isn't really doing something, it's normally typing your credit card into a browser, or hitting 'Pay in eur' on Amazon. I'm just freaked out at my ever dwindling bank balance as I've been spending so much on health supplements and the like. Hopefully I'm right that my gut is the problem and my balance will start to go up, the supplements, when bought in bulk, don't cost much, not like, say, a cold plunge (although I'm keeping that), or beef thyroid supplements or Thiamax and the like (which I also bought in bulk to save money, ironically). 'From him that does not have, even what he has will be taken away'.
I'm quite good at denying myself luxury items. The last thing I bought was a vacuum cleaner for downstairs in the house. It can vacuum wet as well as dry, which I'm still impressed by. It's called a 'shop' hoover, like we have a fancy hoover we bring out when we have guests. You can attach power tools, like sanders and the like, to it so it'lll collect the dust. I use it when I'm cleaning the cold plunge to get the last half inch of water out and to quickly drain the plastic trays I have under it which fill with condensation dripping from the bottom of the plunge. It's a great vacuum altogether.