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Social Liberal
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The OkCupid Dating Persona Test sure. I'd say that's completely incorrect in that their questions are astoundingly inaccurate. maybe a question like 'do you believe in private property' to which I could have said 'yes' and then would have clearly shown that I'm not a socialist. Anarchist more like. I'm fine with private property- it's collective property... like a nation... that I'm against.
to provoke certain people, cough, gregath, cough, I'm going to make a proposition
a strong support of nationalism is derived from the same vein of thought as a strong support of communism. both support the nation before the individual. neither are conduicive to a true democratic society, and neither, morally or politically, are any good for man. nationalism is probably worse, because it leads to war. discuss.
which leads me to my next point. I have just reread the book which has probably affected me more than anything that I have ever done. T.H. White's "The Once and Future King." I've read a few books in my years, and so far, none of them come near this, at least in terms of how much they've changed me.
I don't write in my livejournal much, but I have never stopped reading other people's. it really bothers me when people delete them when they want to stop using lj. it doesn't make ANY sense. if you don't want to use it, just stop using it. deleting it is just a stupid, silly symbol. it bothers me when the 'friend of' and 'friends' numbers on my info page don't match up because people delete their lj when it would be just as easy to stop reading them and stop going to them. actually, it would be easier, because you wouldn't have to take the time to delete it. which bothers me just as much as the idea of a private livejournal. it doesn't make any sense either. if your'e going to waste the time going on the internet to write in your lj, but want to constrict it, why not just a write in a fucking real journal. you wouldn't even need to use paper. just do it in word.
I lost my phone by falling in a pool. it was wet and cold. that's all I have to say about that. it's odd that with one big exception (I'm talking about you here, honey), it's actually kinda nice not having a phone. I take more time to look at the trees
when I was a little boy I loved nature, and spent all my time outside. as time goes by, I find this trait ebbs away. this deeply saddens me.
yea, that's all for now