Ryan Marie George's Aliases
Your movie star name: Carrot Anthony
Your fashion designer name is Ryan Dublin
Your socialite name is Twitchy McTwitch Twitch Salem
Your fly girl / guy name is R Geo
Your detective name is Bunny Winnacunnet
Your barfly name is Salsa Doritos Triple Black
Your soap opera name is Marie Summer
Your rock star name is Pixie Stick Woosh
Your star wars name is Ryacyr Geobil
Your punk rock band name is The Worn Out Dragon
The Amazing Meganame Generator hahahhahahah, nice...
ack.. i almost want to update on my life, but too much shit comes and goes, starts and ends so fast... what's the point? ANyway, who cares anyway eh? Certainly not anyone on LJ.
Off i go. i have homework.
Mom did come home today tho, and i have to find another job.. ack...