Jun 22, 2005 14:56
I put on CNN today, and oh God I am sorry. First, it took CNN Headline news at least 30 minutes to cover anything I would actually consider news worthy. That is, they talked about sports, tried to sell me gold and several other products, and then talked about how one's genes are responsible for over eating. I just don’t know about that though. I am not saying that one's genes don’t largely determine one’s body weight. I think they do. For some anecdotal evidence let's look at the difference between Tim and I, even before he had a labor-intensive job, he eat way more than I did. Way more than would be accounted by the height difference and he was thin, whereas I had a 30+ pound flumpy around my waste. What I am saying is I think their theoretical account of why genes account for the reason people become chunky brothers is a bit crap (For more see my post below).
Personally, I got tired of diet an exercise, which helped me 25 pounds. I mean that took nearly 2 years. So, I have turned to disease to meet my weight lose goals. Yep, since my stomach hurts too much to eat, I have to be losing weight right?
Anyway, I don't give a shit about ‘what’s her name’ in Aruba. How many people die unexpected deaths every day? I am not saying that every effort shouldn't be made to find her, but I think this public circle jerk that happens everyday on the news because of her is too much. My understanding is that Aruba has a very low murder rate, and is probably one of the safest places on Earth. If I had the time, I would travel there in August, because the prices are going to fall I am sure.
And, just because Guantanamo bay is not a bad as a Gulag under Stalinist Russia, doesn’t mean that it should continue. One wrong and a second smaller wrong do not make a right.
And fuck Michael Jackson with a death turd. No, I didn't even hear anything about him on the news today, nor do I know if he was really guilty, fuck with the death turd anyway.
The most disturbing thing I saw on the news today was President Bush. I AGREED with him on Nuclear power, which I have been told is safe.
I will in NY next Monday after diner. See you then.