Better late than...yeah. But not really.

Oct 15, 2012 22:46

So yes, this was on time for my FB post but it needed to be here, too!  Happy belated but previously celebrated Birthday, purelytaintedkt!

Also, there needed to be a Lucy Appearance.  ;P Her 7th Homeiversary was early this year--seven+ years, & I still haven't wired her kicky legs or redone her ghetto-touchedup faceup like I was swearing to by the end of the first sixth months.  Ah, me.  Still, how often do you see a Sharmin these days?  All this time & still such a graceful sculpt.  A sculpt that kicks & slaps like a mother, but elegant & feminine so long as you keep out of range.

Her ghosty new dress is courtesy of Mom, who apparently bought a vintage doll somewhere & promptly dress-jacked it.  She came by, whipped it out of her purse, & practically hopped up & down while I carefully wrangled it on.  She also specified "the stripey tights & lots of that crazy jewelry."  She's come a long way from "why is there a doll on your mantle & why is it looking at me?"  Possibly because her other grandchildren are so unsatisfactory?  Lucy is her super special favourite no matter what else I might buy, so if any vintage doll's going to get dress-jacked around Mom, it's likely to be one in Sharmin size.

In personal news, my foot breaks are healing but I'm still in a freaking cast up to my knee & an evil brace of doom on the other ankle, I started PT & something they had me do threw my back out in an epic fashion (I have yet to go back...) & last week I fell out of bed.  I have risers for underbed storage, so it was a long fall.  My head landed in my delicate little gilded Italian trash can, which oddly saved me from concussion AND didn't break.  The fact that a heroic, intact trash can is the high point of the past, umm, while, pretty much says everything, yes?   

the greys, dysfunctional family circus, general announcement, wardrobe, homeiversaries, healthwhinge, lucy

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