Thanks to my always brilliant and fabulously stylish crit partner,
Barb Ferrer, for this link to
Jim C. Hines' livejournal, and his hilarious, Seuss-esque bit of verse, "Slush I Read."
In memory of the late, great Kate Duffy, here's a taste and a link to the full poem:
I read slush.
Slush I read.
That slush I read.
That slush I read!
I do not like that slush I read.
Do you like fanfic with vamps?
I do not like them Mary Sue.
Why do these vamps all worship you?
Here’s a tale from D & D!
I do not want your D & D.
I do not like your elf PC.
I can not stand your purple prose.
I want to punch you in the nose!
"Slush I Read" by Jim C. Hines. (x-posted at