App for queenofheartsrp

Feb 28, 2011 19:38

Player Information
Name: Nana
Personal Journal: dominochan
Contact Info: thedarkfencer on AIM,
Other Characters: rosa_di_fortuna

Character Information
Name: Venom
Source Canon: Guilty Gear
Age: 22 (Canon age is unknown)
Role In Canon: Venom is Zato-1's right hand during the series. Later on, she takes on the role of leader of the Assassins' Guild.
Justification: I've never tried playing the character as a female. I'm genuinely curious to see how she pans out in comparison to her male counterpart.

Venom is one of the few canonically gay characters in the series. His sexuality is downplayed outside of a few in-game hints and dialogue. As a female, she would most likely act in a similar manner. Her loyalty and love for her master will remain. But, will she develop differently in an environment full of women? Will her loyalties continue? Will she open up enough to at least make friends despite her master's feelings towards girls? These are avenues I'd love to explore.
History: Orphaned at a young age, Venom was taken in by the Assassins' Guild. She trained and honed her natural skills, but her sensibilities kept her from growing as an assassin. Her focus soon drifted towards the meaning of her existence, as she felt she wasn't meant to do such work. The Guild's leaders didn't hesitate to deem her as useless and sentenced her to death.

A few days before her execution date, a new leader seized control of the Guild. He was Zato-1, and he saw promise in the doomed girl. He spared her life and offered to take her under his wing. Venom pledged her absolute loyalty to him out of gratitude for saving her. And within a few years, she was Zato's second-in-command. For once, everything seemed perfect for her.

Then Zato suddenly disappeared. Rumors of his fall and betrayal rang throughout the Guild, rattling it from within. Venom, who had served at Zato's side for several years, didn't believe these rumors for a second. But the evidence against Zato was strong. Determined, Venom left in order to find her missing master. At the end of her long journey, she realized his loss. Not willing to let him go so easily, she took control of the Guild in his memory. Her only goal is to expand its business and influence, just as Lord Zato wanted. But there was one piece of unfinished business: Eddie. He was the monster that ultimately caused Zato's death. In order to defeat that monster, she had to get stronger. Venom was setting out to train when she found herself lost in the Garden.
Changes: Venom will retain most her male counterpart's traits. The Guild, wanting to turn their members into the perfect assassins, treated both men and women equally. As a result, their members receive a relatively neutral upbringing. Nothing mattered outside of
training and assignments, so social interaction was kept to a bare minimum. And Venom, like the other female members, grew up with little regard for her femininity.

There's a possibility that Venom could be more open to exploring her feminine side, but she would need the proper motivation to do so. But since she now leads the Assassins, her desires remain the same as her male version: to honor her master and bring the Guild to new heights of power.

Personality: Like all assassins in the Guild, Venom was raised to be cold and
emotionless. She's quiet and serious to a fault, not taking anything lightly. In fact, she tends to take almost everything literally. Venom doesn't really see the problem with her mentality and will brush off any kind objection as though nothing happened. Because of it, she comes off as aloof and stoic with no real sense of humor. Her assassin upbringing also allows her to stay calm and collected in dire situations. Like in a game of chess or pool, she's always thinking of her next move. She quickly adjusts when necessary, and she rarely will lose her cool.

While she's calculating and cold on the outside, she's quite romantic and passionate on the inside. Thoughts of having normal friendships tempt her regularly, but her duties and the Guild’s discouragement keep her from pursuing them. Venom has trouble hiding her innermost secrets and thoughts, so she prefers to keep silent about them. Her social skills are a bit awkward outside of people she knows; she can be polite and civil to strangers, though she will still try to keep anything personal to herself. If someone tries to dig a little deeper, she'll most likely get defensive. In her mind, it makes her look vulnerable and
weak. And the last thing she wants is to appear weak before potential opponents. Before she was rescued, it was that vulnerability that almost got her killed. So she refuses to show such weakness ever again. However, as she’s unfamiliar with friendly and warm gestures, her reactions will be confused and unsure. She will most likely be suspicious of the other person’s motives and hide behind her aforementioned cold exterior.

Her loyalty to Zato and her Guild is considerably strong. Because he saved her life, she's completely devoted to him and wishes to serve him any way she can. If anyone speaks ill of him, she will either brush it off or verbally reprimand them. If the subject is pushed, she will get angry, even violent. When she's angered, she becomes unfocused and her fighting skills suffer because of it. So far, only one person has pushed Venom to this extreme, and it has yet to happen again.

Venom’s will and determination are high, second only to her sense of loyalty. When she has a mission or goal, she will stop at nothing to complete it. During previous training sessions, she took on an assortment of fighters that were many times stronger. She saw them as mere training dummies. And since Eddie (the creature that killed her master) is still on the loose, she feels the need to become stronger. If she’s thrown off for any reason, she’ll try her best to assess the situation and continue her mission.
Abilities: Venom is a first class assassin. She's trained to use objects that aren't normally considered weapons, hence the pool cue. While she's a simple fighter in close combat, she's deadly at a distance. She can summon billiard balls out of thin air and use them in complex projectile patterns. With moves like Stinger Aim, she charges the ball with magic before firing it in a straight line. With Dubious Curve, she performs a twirl and strikes the opponent with a billiard ball, knocking them down. Another move allows her to teleport to the nearest ball that's in play. If none are present, she simply teleports just above where she's standing.

In a non-combat setting, she's a skilled billards player. She doesn't really play often outside of training, but she won't back down if challenged. Since it's her chosen trade and fighting style, she has extensive knowledge of the different games, rules, and history.
Sample: Venom's Sample
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