Just Some Stuff

Jun 20, 2012 15:23

Brainstorming ideas for Bardic Guild 2nd Circle Essayist Composition.

ADF folk please let me know what you think of these, any you would really like to see and/or hear? Also if you have any other ideas I would be grateful.

General Essays

WE are solitaries
- an argument that solitaries should consider giving full ADF rites at their home shrines and include the use of "we" and "our" instead of focusing on "I" and "my" thereby stengthening their ties to the organization.

The Human Face of ADF
- arguing against the idea that the Gods are transcendent in our lives and instead are a power we can call upon to strengthen, inspire, and excite ourselves in order to solve problems and face the world.

Where the Magic Happens
- The nature of magic ADF ritual and an argument to include more and creative workings in our rites

We Have Gathered (may be instead used for "in ritual")
- Essay exploring just what it is we do here in ADF and why we gather for ritual, festivals, and events at all.

I Talk To Dead People
- Arguing for a mediumist approach in approaching the ancestor spirits.

For Use in Ritual

We Call For Blessing
- Essay explaining who the keepers of the waters are. Inlcuded in the text is the actual call for blessings as part of ADF Ritual

We Come
- Essay explaining why we gather for ritual.

I Yam What I Yam
- Defending our right to call to the Kindreds

adf general

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