Here's Your Sign

May 06, 2012 16:00

I will admit it, I like labels. I know a lot of people don't. They just want to be who they are and not worry about what to call it but I like to define things. Politically I am, what I like to call, a radical moderate. I believe that compromise and common sense are exactly what is missing in our modern political world today and without these we have little chance of any real change or progression at all. Religiously I am an Agnostic, Reform and Neopagan Druid, and Humanist. Philosophically I am Hedonist and Neochivalrist. Throughout this time of depression it has been important to me to define how I come to terms with the world.

I am a Reform Druid because I believe that Nature is good. And I don't mean just the growing green of nature. I believe the world about us, the universe itself, is good. Worthy of respect and worship.

I am a Neopagan Druid because I find fulfillment, inspiration, and strength in the ritual and in calling out to the old Gods and Goddesses, the Ancestors, and Worldly Spirits.

I am a Humanist because I consider human concerns, ideas, and progress to be of great value. I do not see humans as "outside" of nature or fallen or the problem to be overcome. In fact I see our humanity as our greatest strength. I also do not believe, even though I do interact with Gods as beings, that they are the cause of nor solution to either my own problems or the problems of the world. We must face them ourselves and a wholly capable and empowered to do so. Instead I call to the Gods and Spirits for inspiration, focus, and creativity. To support me in my very human endeavors.

I am Agnostic because I honestly have no idea as to the nature of the Gods and Spirits I call to. Are they fully real and separate beings? Are they part of some collective unconscious? Are they only facets of my own psyche? I have no idea and in the long run it really isn't that important to me.

I am a Hedonist because I believe the pursuit of happiness and pleasure is an attainable and worthwhile goal. I do not believe that humans are corrupt or that pleasure should be avoided. There is this idea, and I see it everywhere (even within the Pagan and Gay communities) that somehow to seek pleasure is harmful or shameful. Sex, revelry, true joy should be avoided. To give into them is to give into one's base and primal natures. I disagree. I believe that denying our base and primal natures is far more dangerous in the long run and, in the end, the only life worth living is the one where pleasure outweighs the pain. Sin is a concept I deny in every breath. The only real sin is to live in denial, regret, or fear and the only beings you are sinning against, even in those cases, is yourself and the "you" you are meant to be.

I am a Neochivalrist because I believe that idealism, loyalty, humility, grandeur and love are a worthwhile and an earnest way to live. I suppose that some people may not understand being both a Hedonist and a Neochivalrist. They seem somehow opposite concepts. One is a code of how to live in honor while the other is seeking pleasure for pleasure's sake. I don't see it that way. In fact I feel they are inherently intertwined. It is only by (attempting to) live with humility and loyalty that pleasure is worthwhile for both myself and for others. It is only in believing in something and pursuing it that passion is fulfilling. It is only in accepting love into my life and in acknowledging that all people are worthy of love that true connections are made. I cannot separate the two concepts.

I also live by an ethic that has become important to me. It is adapted from Oisin's conversation with St. Patrick in "Of Gods and Men" by Lady Gregory when he said, "The three things the Fianna lived by were the truth in our hearts, the strength in our hands, and fulfilment in our tongues." I have adapted it slightly because of the line "strength in our hands" (which I have also read as "strength in our arms"). I am not ashamed of my physical strength. I am quite proud of it really. Genetically I have been blessed to be healthy, vital, and able my entire life. This could change at any time however, and I am well aware of that, and more importantly there are many, many people I know and have known who are not able, who deal with health and/or emotional issues, and who I consider to be amazing people and inspirations. An ethic one lives by, in my opinion, should be one that all can live by. Even if they can't or chose not to. I attempt to live my life upholding the truth in my heart, the strength of my character, and with fulfillment on my tongue. Everyday.

Finally, I have an ultimate goal. When my life is at an end, when the final page has been written, I would like to know that I have left behind a something of value that will live on beyond me and a name that will be remembered as good and worthy.

adf general, reform druids, random thoughts

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