Aren't All Beginnings "New" By Definition?

Jul 24, 2011 12:19

Well, after 11 years together Rich and I have decided to split up. It is friendly and, when I am honest with myself, it is has been coming awhile. Our drifting apart led to him finding love with someone new, someone who wants to be exclusive and whom Rich is willing to give it a chance. It is ok. I am not angry really or even upset. In fact I think Rich and I will rather make good close friends and room mates.

We are going to still live together, really we have to, there would be no where else for me to live right now and like I told him I have invested a whole lot into this household over 11 years I don't deserve to be homeless after all I have put into it. He agrees. There will be awkwardness, of course, but I suppose that one good thing about living openly and poly is that we are already accustomed to seeing each other with different people. I am not going to fly into a fit of jealous rage, in fact I rather like his new boyfriend quite a bit.

And now, my friends, I am off to finally see Harry Potter!

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