Hello Everyone, I know it has been a long time. So I thought I would give you a traditional life update post. I do hope to begin using LiveJournal more, as you will see below.
Work Life: Work has been going well. I am still enjoying working for Target. Don't get me wrong, it is still a job and still a corporation that comes with all the issues and frustrations that corporations do. I have applied, at the urging of my immediate supervisor, for a Team Lead position. I am not sure I have much of a chance at it. The Store Team Leader told me (and I quote) "you have great potential but if I was going to chose a Team Lead position for you this would not be the one". But I do feel as if the interview preparation and process will do me good even if I don't get the position. Also the local Unitarian Universalist Church where I used to be a member (and where the Grove held our rites, if you have attended Silver Falls rites that is) has a retiring staff member. He is the Sexton (which I learned after some research means "custodian of sacred objects) which is basically like the church maintenance and cleaning person. I have chosen to apply. Len (the retiring sexton) told me over the winter that he felt like it would be a good fit for me. It is not a great deal of pay but it is full time with good insurance and I really respect both the Minister of the church and the administrator whom I would be reporting to. I have no idea to my chances but I figured it was worth trying for.
Home Life: Things are going pretty well. We are preparing to move back to Wadsworth and just about have the house there ready to go. It is not ideal and my Mother-in-Law will basically have to live in the living room but it is what it is. Which brings me to my next point. Sandy, my mother-in-law, has not been doing very well. Her bone cancer has spread pretty aggressively. The oncologist really wants her to be on chemo. The week before her first scheduled round she ended up in the hospital with a blood infection and issues with her kidneys. Once they believed they had that under control she had her chemo and it was horrible. She was very ill and in a great deal of pain her mobility was some of the worst I have seen it. She even told me she would rather be dead then feeling that bad. Immediately before her next round they discovered that kidneys were again in failure (this is not final renal failure, btw) and have suspended the chemo again until this dealt with. Rich and I are doing pretty well. There is some stress surrounding the fact that he received a DUI a few weeks ago but I suspect that is normal.
Spiritual Life: For those of you who do not know, I chose to resign from Silver Falls Grove. This has been coming for awhile. The Grove has been loosing interest for awhile and it all became too much for me in the end. I did not rerun for senior druid and the last two events I went to were only myself and the person whom I began the Grove with. As much as I miss the people in the Grove I still think it was the right decision. However I have had some issues in revitalizing my hearth practice. I have done a few rituals but not on the regular schedule I used to. I know this has a lot to do with all the other stress in my life but that is never a good reason. I know that when I feel like doing ritual, journey, and devotional work the least is likely when I need it the most but I am having trouble getting my heart and mind in line. I am writing a ritual which includes a re-dedication of my oaths and path. As part of this re-dedication I plan to start using my LiveJournal more. I feel like if I can get into the practice of sharing my journey on my LJ again that I will be better able to stick with re-dedication. Finally I am planning on attending Lughnassadh with Stone Creed Grove at the end of the month. I am not sure yet if I will be heading up on Saturday evening or just going on Sunday. Depends on my work schedule.
Hope you are all well.
~ Jamie