Wooing the Wild Leprechaun

Sep 27, 2004 23:04

Long SCA meeting yesterday. Two newcomers - John and Henrietta. I hope they stick around.

I finally decided to just bounce my idea for a Practicum course off of May. She was very encouraging.

Classes are about 50 minutes - 55 tops. I proposed teaching Irish. I would spend the first 25 minutes doing basics, like "hello", "how are you?", "my name is". Then I wanted to spend the last 25 minutes doing toasts and things. Let's face it, St. Patrick's Day is the only day when Irish culture really comes to the forefront of anyone's consciousness. While I hate to perpetuate the stereotype of Irish culture being bound up with drinking, being able to say a toast in Irish in a pub, or being able to say "Happy St. Patrick's Day." might actually be a practical use for the course for the average person. Not to mention that St. Patrick's Day is only about 3 weeks after the event.

May liked my idea. I told her that there would be no animals in the class, mostly because I didn't think anyone would care to learn the Irish words for cow or sheep. However, I told her that if mythological creatures were okay, that I had a title - Wooing the Wild Leprechaun. She loved the title!

So, I will offer the course. Whether or not anyone wants to spend an hour learning Irish remains to be seen. Sometimes unusual courses that no one else has ever taught before appeal to people based on the novelty factor.
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