Pennsic 38 (2009)

Aug 18, 2009 12:15

I always begin these Pennsic wrap up posts by saying, it was a different Pennsic. After 5 Pennsics, I have (finally!) come to the conclusion that they are all different. If this one had a theme, it would be “socialization”

Gabrielle came to Pennsic for 3 full days. I purposely spent a lot of time with her while she was here. We went to see a Commedia Sunday and Monday nights. I managed to find De Taahe this year and went to see Ragni 3 times. I hung out at the Fettered Cock and got to spend time with the entertaining Menken and Eleanor. I also got to visit with Sarra, Aelfleda, and Phaidrig at the Cock. I spent a delightful evening hanging out with Marihannh. Jhone was often at Skrael and I got to talk with her a bit. And of course, Pennsic is the only place where I get to see Raven and Yaron.

Piers almost became an honourary member of House Howling Wolf. We’ve known them in passing through 4 previous Pennsics, but this was the first year we spent any substantial time with them. Piers is a homebody when we are in Ottawa. He spent his evenings at Howling Wolf, talking and sketching, within earshot of our tent. This freed me up to go out at nights - which worked out for me. Skrael had a lot of women this year. I think Piers enjoyed talking with Bob Buchanan, but Howling Wolf is is mostly made up of men in the 40-60 age range and some of them have similar life experiences and interests. Their love of and hospitality with different scotches sealed the bromance. When ever I needed Piers, I looked in Howling Wolf’s common area, before I looked in Skrael’s.

I only managed to go to 3 courses this Pennsic (down from 28, 17, 7 (while 6 months pregnant) and 11). However, I recently re-found my Pennsic notes from 2001 when I took those 28 courses. I did nothing with most of them and I can’t decipher many of my notes. Better to take 3 courses and actually remember them and do something with them, than go to courses all the time and have it go in one ear and out the other.

I loved the spot where we pitched our tent this year! It rained a lot before we showed up and the tents by the lake experienced a lot of mud. (The baroness needed paving stones to get into her tent.) Our spot might have technically been put of House Howling Wolf or single camping and not part of Skrael. It doesn’t matter. It was far enough from the road and close to the bathroom. I’d totally camp there again.

Pennsic was awesome with one child. She was a lovely young women without her sister to fight with. Of the whole week, she was only a pill for about one afternoon. (For those non-parents, this is an awesome ratio.) The Pumpkin arrived at 1PM on the last Thursday. As we came home on Saturday, this only gave us a day and a half to chase after her.

I spent my evenings as follows: Friday: hanging out at Skrael; Saturday: Eoforwic’s bardic circle; Sunday: Commedia del Arte with Gabrielle and Heather; Monday: slightly raunchier Commedia del Arte with Gabrielle and Heather; Tuesday: Pennsic ball at which I only danced once (note to self: learn more Italian Ren dances) and hanging out at the Cock with M&E instead; Wednesday: midnight madness; Thursday: Boat Burning and meeting Duke Talymar with Marihannah; and Friday: just hanging out in Skrael and House Howling Wolf.

I did experience some Pennsic firsts:

* we did archery (albeit for about 20 minutes)
* I went to the memorial boat burning
* Dancing in the Middle Eastern Exhibition with Grace (I’d danced solo before)
* I went to Foot and Grainne's margarita party

Ealdormere court included the laureling of Gaerwen. It was one of the most moving ceremonies I've seen. Anne Tinker became a Court Baroness at an earlier ceremony and Countess Kayla was knighted on the battlefield. Raven had been orally given an AoA at kingdom court last Pennsic. I really enjoyed the look on her face when she received the scroll this year.

In terms of loot, we didn’t spend much money this year. I bought 3 pieces of tribal jewellery. Piers mostly bought books. I fell in love with a Mongolian chicken dish at the food court. Grace wanted ice cream for every meal and we had to limit her.

dance, archery, pennsic, events

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