Apr 20, 2007 18:26
24 hours of my life.
First there was the lad who happily announced to the department that his boyfriend was the fool responsible for his injury - and I realised that he is possible the first person I have heard/seen out himself so unselfconsiously to a whole bunch of strangers in a non-social situation.
But then there was the lady I saw, examined, treated, discussed diagnosis, options re admission or discharge and reviewed about 3 times who said as I was letting her go home "so I don't have to wait to see the Doctor then?" ARGH.
Finally the slightly surreal experience of watching, god, it was like a vid - real footage of UK/peacekeeping forces on deployment/fighting in Afghanistan set to an Eminem song (it's bugging me that I can't remember *which* song) as part of a presentation at a professional meeting. Huh.
Also, could the Supernatural torrent take ANY LONGER? Huh? Damned thing. But I realised that I still had an episode of Heroes to watch, so I did, and it rocked.