Title: Aye, there’s the rub...
Fandom:The Boondock Saints
Characters: Connor/Murphy MacManus
Prompt: Touch
Word Count:320
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine. Pity. Didn't happen. Pity.
Author's Notes: twincest Big Damn Table to be found
here.Much love to
kaige68 for looking this over.
God, that’s so fucken good. )
Shag now go for smokes later!
Shag now go for smokes later!
Shag now go for smokes later!
*is still ded*
*has Murphy give you the kiss of life*
Although, he'd probably have more fun kissing Conner.
Apparantly, I've had WAY too much sugar today.
Your icon made me laugh. Loudly. In a library.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You're in a library!
See! Too much sugar, I can't even spell check myself before I hit the post button!
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