oh god if you're out there won't you hear me

Sep 19, 2008 13:34

My coworker passed. I don't really want to talk about it. Luckily, everyone at work felt the same way. We'd already balled our eyes out a week ago, so now it's just come full circle. It's over. I really don't know how I feel except angry. All of a sudden today at work I felt like grabbing a table and throwing it through a window. All this energy I have is just pure fury.  I know I'm angry. I know I'm angry when I see an SUV following me too close, some stupid kid on his or her cell phone going 40 mph, not a care in the world. I know I'm angry that people will never ever learn to drive safely, even after a tragedy. Even if it's not fair of me I HATE SUVS. I hate them so much. My parents have one, but they never drive it unless they need to take my grandmothers somewhere. I hate it anyway. I don't know why people still buy them. What good is it to use your SUV to get just YOU to class? I get so sick when I see people driving those disgusting machines with no passengers. What the fuck are you doing?

What the fuck will it take until people stop buying them? Does gas need to go up to ten dollars?

Please everyone, whatever you drive, watch out. Look around. Open your eyes and get off the phone!

I guess all I can say is make sure you let everyone that you love know how you feel. Forget petty disagreements. Don't fuss at your boyfriend. Don't be mean to your parents, for sure. Damn you're going to regret it because we're all an accident away from being gone, just like that.

Other than that....stupid week. I'm skipping class right now, which doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but I never skip class. I figured i was the right day. We never do anything important in Medical Spanish.

Peace and much love to all. Im going to try to work on living every day to the fullest.
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