not working... moving

Jun 13, 2006 09:24

I am not at work today - but that doesn't mean I won't be *working*. We have use of a truck. Hell, we even took a small load up to the house last night. I almost hate putting stuff in there. It's so pretty, I don't want to junk it up.


Oh, and riding in a truck? *I hate it*. I am so used to sitting in my cozy car with body-hugging seats that riding in a Ford F-150 is almost excruciating. Instead of riding *in* a car seat, it's almost like I am perched precariously *on* a seat, sort of bouncing around like some loose cargo.


How can people keep those things as a daily drive??

::hugs her bitty car::

Anyway, off to the races.


work, moving, house

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