I know - so few updates these days. When I get down and in a funk - I don't want do do *anything* (and that includes updating my LJ). But now that I've had a coulple of genuinly good days in a row (and feel a 3rd one coming on), now is the time! :)
Friday was a good day. I was off work (comp day - I worked Saturday), and I had an appointment at the eye doctor. My regular doc has been after me for 3 years to go get my eyes checked, including a diabetic eye exam since I had never had one done. So we got there at 10:35 for my 10:30 appointment (yes, I'm always late.), but we were the only ones there! The eye doc and his nursy/tech person were great. They took my snark right in stride. :)
I did the whole "is this better - or this" for a while until he determined my new prescription. Then he looked at my eyes a bit and put some drops in them. While waiting for the drops to take effect, we went out and looked at frames. After a few minutes, it got difficult to see things clearly - so I looked in the miror. My eyes looked *weird*. Big black pupils with just the slightest ring of green around them. (apparantly the drops were working). So we went back in the exam room and the doc looked into my eyes with what seemed like the brightest light in existance. It hurt. I wanted to cry! Well, my eyes did water.
For all of that torture, at least it was good news. My eyes are *healthy*. He said that apparantly I keep my numbers (diabetic) under control because everything in there looked good.
So we settled on some frames, he took some measurements and wrote down some things, and gave me some dark inserts to put behind my glasses so I wouldn't damage my eyes when I walked outside. I asked how long the dilation would take to go away. He said that it *usually* goes away in about an hour or so.
It *finally* started going down after about 5 hours. After a brief service call, lunch, riding around a bit, and a nap. My eyes kind of looked like an anime character. It was peculiar as hell.
Between the riding around a bit and the nap, I tried to sit at my computer and do some things, but the brightness of the screen bothered me. One of the things I did manage to see was an email from Connie (to my work account) asking what was going on that evening. I replied that I was at home - call me, and went to nap.
She called, and we ended up meeting up with her and a fiance of one of her co-workers (Carrie) at the Pizza Pub in Clarkesville. Good times. There was much laughter, suggestive talk, and wine with sprite bubbles (yum).
After dinner, Jamie and I went to see a movie (The DaVinci Code). It was pretty good - a lot was left out from the book, but it was still quite entertaining. The movie was a late one, so I didn't get home until about 12:30 (and I had to work the next morning).
Most of Saturday was work. But after work, I headed towards the new house to meet up with Jamie and his dad. When I was *almost* there, I got a phone call from Jamie, asking me to go pick up a friend (he is going to help out with a bit of work at the house so Jamie's dad needed to talk to him). So after a bunch of scrambling and "where the hell am I going to turn around-ing" I went to get him.
We all checked out the house (it's almost done!!!!), then we went to dinner at Shoney's. Jamie's dad didn't stay the night up here, so he headed back to Atlanta after dinner. We took our friend back to his house and some other folks came by to hang out too.
It was another late night! I slept most of the way home - and we didn't arrive home until after 1.
Today we are headed back up to the new house to meet up with my mom and grandmom. They still haven't seen it (or the property) in person.
So YAY! A couple of good days in a row. Maybe I am finally either over this damn funk - or at least over it for a while.