meme time

Mar 28, 2010 22:01

Can't Resist Meme...
Blame nounsandverbs

{baa baa}

And no, I won't tag anyone - if you want to do the questions, do them! (But you know I *want* you to do them)


Will you have sexual intercourse within the next week or two?
Unless I drop dead, yes.

The last time you saw your best friend, what did you do?
He's right across the desk from me.

If you had to decide, would you rather a pet Squid or Badger?
Badger? The guy on Firefly who lived on Persephone?

Do you think your ex still wants to be with you?
Sheesh, the last "ex" I had was more than 10 years ago. Probably not!

What is a word you say a lot?

Is there anything you should be worried about?
Probably. And it's usually money

Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you?
Not really. I generally don't get along with women enough to want to spend that much time with one.

You're up after 3 AM, what's the reason?
I've spent too much time on the computer. Again

Are you in a relationship with anyone?
Yes, I'm in a relationship with 2 people.

Who was the last person to text you "hello"?
Most folks I text with don't say "hello". Actually, the most recent salutatory text said, "Hiya Sweetie!"

Have you ever liked someone just because they were good looking?
Sure, but if that's all they've got - it definitely doesn't last for me.

What were you doing 2 hours ago?
See the first question.

What will/did you do today?
Hang out around the house, see the previous question, go to sleep.

Name something random in the same room as you:
A box from a "Big City Slider Station" (Complete with Billy Mays picture on the front).

Is smoking a turn off?

What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual people?
Any feelings had between 2 (or more) consenting adults is none of anyone's business.

Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever put alcohol/drugs before you?
Yup. Notice I'm not with them anymore.

Every girl needs a little black dress. Do you agree?
Err... I guess. I have one, but it's a little too little right now.

What kind of mood are you in?
Tired, but content.

Who was the last person you kissed?

Would you want to kiss them again within the near future?
Well, duh! (YES)

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be and why?
Enough money so that finances would not be a problem ever again. Everything else is golden right now.

Do you have the time by any chance?
The time for what?

Are you someone who enjoys seeking attention from others?
Sometimes. Sometimes NOT.

Are you in love?

Why aren't you dating the last person who you texted?
{checks to see who I last texted} Well, I'm married to him - isn't that close enough?

How open are you with people, out of 10?
Out of 10 whats? I'm pretty open with people. Let your freak flag fly! :D

Do you think you can last in a relationship for over 6 months?
Umm... we will celebrate 9 years of marriage in May - and in my other close relationship we celebrated 2 years in January.
So I'd say, yes.

Have you ever lost someone you wish you didn't?
Sure. At least at the time I wish I hadn't, but now I'm glad I moved on and found the happiness I have now.

Do you enjoy reading?
Now that I have new glasses, I'm hoping to get back into reading again.

What are your parents doing right now?
Nothing. They're dead.

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?
None. YUCK.

4 months ago, who did you have a crush on?
Oh sheesh - which minute? I get crushes all the time!

What is your dream car?
At this moment, I'm drooling over 3.
The Smart FourTwo
The Hyundai Genesis Coupe
The Dodge Challenger

Do you honestly have feelings for someone at the moment?

Is there anything upsetting you?
Just money, but that's not unusual.

How is the weather?
Rain and thunderstorms. YMMV

What are you looking forward to within the next few months?
Every moment I get to spend with those I love.

When was the last time you smoked pot?
Years ago.

What's the closest item that is yellow?
A highlighter marker

Are you eating/drinking anything right now?
Water (drinking, in case you were wondering)

What jewelry are you wearing?
None. Unless you count glasses as jewelry.

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or Skype?
Twitter as debrawomack
Facebook as, well, me. :)


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