Apr 05, 2012 12:01
Wed, 20:06 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/SmKxMMVn Wed, 20:09 : Found on my sister Liz Woodruff's FB At the present, my son is not making me proud, but he has in the past and I... http://t.co/fBXZdTwX Wed, 20:11 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/2EJGxiau Wed, 20:14 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/gbQEwjmc Wed, 20:23 : Found on Nakisha Allen's FB I like this, my only concern is what happens if someone slipped something explosive... http://t.co/wv28eHQW Wed, 20:24 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/MvbTECeX Wed, 20:26 : Found on Nakisha Allen's FB For all my friends who put their lives on the line, thank you. http://t.co/IopuOPbp Wed, 20:27 : Found on Karen Espenshade's FB http://t.co/wW95zaUC Wed, 20:30 : As Dawn always says "Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is... http://t.co/emLHjYm7 Wed, 20:32 : Regardless of which side the coin comes down on, you're still stuck with a wooden nickle. Time to change your... http://t.co/xp3fTP7E Wed, 20:35 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/dyJKbaCI Wed, 20:35 : I found this on a friend's FB page The Secret That Colonel Sanders Gets But Women Who Vote Republican Don't http://t.co/wCQSaCkC via @ moveon Wed, 21:11 : Found on Karen Espenshade's FB http://t.co/EGNttAgP Wed, 21:16 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB YAH! http://t.co/d2YY4xVi Wed, 21:17 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/R1qIXmD0 Wed, 21:21 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/bzclSXx4 Wed, 21:32 : Found on Stephanie Marie Cobb's FB http://t.co/GpzI1WyW Wed, 21:34 : George Michael Zimmerman - DoX by #n4m3Le55 crew - http://t.co/qFsHb54s http://t.co/XdohRg5D Wed, 21:36 : Ooooo, new activities for when I get bored shopping lol http://t.co/NXPDcSS5 Wed, 21:37 : Found on Joanne Bednarck and My Name is Temptation's FBs http://t.co/WcL180Bc Wed, 21:38 : Found on Shelley TSivia Rabinovitch's FB http://t.co/RsxDu5IM Wed, 21:39 : Found on Ragnar Espolin Torfason's FB http://t.co/xQEB0aLA Wed, 22:01 : Doing laundry & cooking peameal bacon. All at the same time. Right Dave? Wed, 22:53 : 1.972 kg of pea meal bacon cooked & laundry is in the dryer. Now to see how US girlwithdragontatt compares to original Wed, 23:07 : Found on Krissy Kringle's FB http://t.co/IQ88UIzG Wed, 23:33 : Laundry is dry, folding can wait. Thu, 00:14 : Found on Mark Tattersall's FB http://t.co/fxQCsu1V Thu, 00:40 : Found on Admiarl Marva LaFaye's FB http://t.co/KPA5ZKsw Thu, 00:45 : This is very beautiful and touching, but it left out some of the other things I admire about my daughter, her... http://t.co/ORFj5sPO Thu, 00:46 : Found S Raven Diamant and Judi Hennessy Wigginton FBs http://t.co/odJsoBNq