snubbed by conforminsts, snubbed by non conformitive conformists.

Jan 29, 2012 17:40

Don't you LOVE being snubbed by your own community.... i think its odd that Many in the queer community are able to state that there identity is different from any other in society by creating rules others must follow or be accused of not being queer, by some parts of the community.

i feel such pressure to get tattoos, peircings, shave my head, and other stuff simply due to others doing these things or similar things and snubbing me as i opt to self define and live my life with my body in my own way..
I don't understand or like people treating me in a rude and often snobbish way due to how i live MY LIFE. Being queer is supposed to be self defined, Being queer is different for everyone or should be, being queer is about how you feel about yourself and beig honest about it, its not about conforming to the unconvertional convention..... **sick of the extreams** I spend 99.99% of my life drink free but OCCASIONALLY have a drink.
i am vegetarian who tries to use as many vegan things as possible but does not take to extreams of going hungry simply as there is no vegan food where there is lacto ovo veggie food. 
i will not cut animals free but would support the abolition of the Fur trade.
I have a prefrance for being lable free but realise that in reality people will lable me, i therefore prefer the lable truly-queer if you ***REALLY MUST LABLE ME AT ALL***.

I have various queer jobs, and do not support capitolism in the same ways as many others that claim to be anti capotolists or anarchrists.
I am a feminist but i think for myself, my gender is my thing, just as much as my body is my propperty as is my mind.

i am dyslexic, but highly inteligent just like you. i'm trans* but pass well so apparently not trans enough. I am gay but would have sex with a trans* person but apparently not queer as i dont sleep around.

I make mistakes, i have made many, but i refuse to conform to anything without thinking about what it means to me...

my life, My body, my mind... my way.

warning. bitch mode is active just now.
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