Jumping & surfing through fandoms

Aug 21, 2012 22:36

So I finally decided not to sign up to the Avengers exchange because lately I've been jumping from fandom to fandom, and surfing through a fandom which usually makes me jump to another fandom that I don't feel like I would be faithful enough to my love for Tony and Steve to be able to fullfill my assignment.

But let's talk about the wonderful world of fandom. I love discovering new fandom, I really do! But do you know what I love even more than discovering a new fandom? Go back to an old one to catch up with all the new stuff.

So since I started reading about the Avengers, it was only a matter of time before I jumped to the Batman fandom ('cos Tony/Bruce is a guilty pleasure of mine which I love to share with everybody though the most wonderful, crazy and hilarious fic eva').

(Batman/Ironman xover by Vanoxymore)

And from there I went to the epic bromance Bruce/Clark, I read a little bit of Bruce/Selina (thanks to the new Batman movie), I read even a little less Clark/Oliver, and tons of lovely Chollie fics (Oliver/Chloe is CANON for goodness's sake! God bless the scriptwriters).

And then I went to spent a weekend at the lovely home of sra_danvers with aviss, and she kind of bossed us to watch Band of Brothers, and I loved it! I love history, I love war films, I love handsome men, so what was not to love?
And of course I blame her for start reading BoB fics, but I've got nobody to blame but my own about this craziness about Generation Kill. Sometime I hate crossover so much that I would just marry them and spent the rest of my life with a damn good xover. So yeah... I jumped from BoB to GK thanks to a xover. I wotched the series and I fell in love with the most amazing subtext, fuck eyes, and hilarious dialogues.

Cpl. Ray Person: Look at this shit, how come we can't ever invade a cool country, like chicks in bikinis, you know, how come counties like that don't ever need Marines, I'll tell you why, it's lack of pussy that fucks countries up, lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all global instability, if more hajis were getting quality pussy, there'd be no reason for us to come over and fuck em up like this, cause a nutbusting haji, is a happy haji. 
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Ray, how much ripped fuel have you ingested. 
Cpl. Ray Person: I'm on it like a mother fucker Brad, haha!... 
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Well, no more of that shit... 
Evan 'Scribe' Wright: An interesting theory though. 
Cpl. Ray Person: Yeah, yeah, you should quote me on it, you know what, you should definitely quote me on it, this whole thing comes down to pussy! Look, if you take the Republican Guard and comp their asses for a week in Vegas, no fucking war! 
Evan 'Scribe' Wright: So the war is not about oil or WMDs. 
Cpl. Ray Person: No, in the opinion of this Marine, its about pussy. 
Evan 'Scribe' Wright: And its not about Saddam. 
Cpl. Ray Person: No, Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico. 
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Ray, please shut up... thank you.

(from IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1247751/quotes)

Lt. Nathaniel Fick: Present for you. LSA. Scammed some off the guys in RCT-1. 
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Sir, not to get homoerotic about this, but I could kiss you.

And guess what? I've just read a xover the GK with Stargate Atlantis! Another old fandom of mine. So yeah, now I'm reading SGA fics (some news, some old) and I'm still surfing through GK. And I'm so amazed about the quality of some of the GK fics that you just need to wait because I'm thinking about fixing a rec of Good & Amazing GK fics.

So yeah, I'm happy with so much fandoms and so much fics, and if you are wondering where the hell I get so free time to read, well... holidays, august, to hot to do anything else, and grands to take care of. What do you espect me to do in a hospital? Sit down, watch my grandpa a read fic. He says I read too much ;)

ranty rant: stuff from a chaotic brain, sg-world the seventh chevron locked, fandom: the new the old and the crazy

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