Title: 20 Random Things About Anthony Goldstein
Type: Gen, with minor slashy hints
Genre: Character study/Humor
Terry, Michael Corner, Kevin Entwhistle, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG
Warnings: Discussion about all manner of adolescent things, including slash and alcohol.
Word Count: 970
Summary: 20 things about Anthony. Yay!
Disclaimer: All are JKR's, none are mine. These specific incarnations of Terry and Anthony are being used in
Aguamenti, and Terry is Chelsea/
20 Random Things About Anthony Goldstein
1. His worst fears in the whole, wide world are needles, dragons, Dementors, and having someone upset his neat, orderly little piles of stuff.
2. You can lead an Anthony to Firewhiskey, but you cannot make him drink. In fact, if you try and are not named Terry Boot, Kevin Entwhistle, Luna Lovegood, or Michael Corner, you will not succeed; he will run away. You probably won’t even succeed if you are one of those four.
3. Mostly, this is for fear of him being on Terry like a kitten on milk. Anthony knows what Firewhiskey does to your inhibitions, and he likes his perfectly in place, thank you very much.
4. That said, there are days when, even without Firewhiskey, he comes very close to being on Terry like a kitten on milk, but, luckily for him and less so for Terry, there always seems to be a convenient first-year available to fall into a trick stair and need assistance, which Anthony always gives.
5. There are first years that are stronger than Anthony, but, somehow or other, he always manages to carry all his books around without complaining too much.
6. His parents, Noah and Catherine, will never, ever let him live down the time he “nearly blew up the kitchen… without magic.”
7. Said misadventure went something like this:
Anthony: Mum, what happens if I mix the baking soda and the vinegar?
Catherine: Anthony, don’t do that.
Anthony: But why not?
Catherine: Because mummy said so, that’s why not.
Anthony: *mixes the baking soda and the vinegar* Aaah! Mum! Mum!
Catherine: *sighs* I told you not to. Scourgify.
8. Noah and Catherine are rather reluctant to let Anthony meander off into the real wizarding world. Part of this is because, despite being married to a witch for a good twenty-two years, Noah is still a Muggle and still doesn’t fully understand the workings of wizarding life. The other part is because Anthony’s ability to take care of himself is always compromised for work ethic.
9. And he’d starve to death before he could effectively cook something; he’s too precise and has whined since childhood about using too much or too little of any given ingredient. For this very reason, Noah has taken to introducing his son to the concept of “take out”; it’s going rather well, though it definitely won’t once Anthony has to apply theory to real life and forgets to do things like actually call and order the food.
10. Anthony has, however, learned how to make sandwiches. His lovely and slightly mad grandmother, Esther, made sure of that. She firmly holds that as long as a boy knows how to make sandwiches and matzo balls, he’ll never go hungry. Now Anthony just needs to learn how to make matzo balls without having to make each one exactly the same size.
11. And remember to sleep occasionally. Because, most of the time, he only does so when his parents threaten to break down his door/charm it off the hinges, or when Terry drags him, kicking and screaming, to bed.
12. Anthony loves numbers because they make so much sense, in a deep-down, cosmic sort of way. Besides, they’re everywhere, in everything, and applicable to absolutely everything under the sun. His favorite numbers are 2, 3, 4, 9, 16, 111, and 666. No one’s bothered yet to inform him that most people have a vendetta against 666, mostly because all his reasons for loving it have to do with the mathematics behind it and not the Christian symbolism.
13. Anthony is also fond of the number 13, but will never admit to it because of all the bad luck mythology around it. He thinks that it’s total bunk, but is self-conscious about it nonetheless. He’s less self-conscious about his love of Muggle math, especially calculus, which he’d probably marry, if it were human.
14. Not surprisingly, his favorite class is Arithmancy, and he got an O on that OWL (and most of his other ones, though he was running almost entirely on coffee and expected, in his deliriousness, that he’d fail each and every one of them). When he can give himself a break, he likes to go and talk to Professor Vector about anything and everything, and she always speaks highly of him when he’s not around.
15. He’s also fond of Ancient Runes, out of sheer interestingness.
16. It’s weird, or so he thinks, but he really likes Luna Lovegood’s eyes, if only because he thinks that the patterns in her irises are amazing. And they’re really big, so he can see the patterns clearly. One of these days, he’s going to pluck up the courage to ask her if he can copy the pattern down so he can work out the math behind it.
17. What Anthony likes best physically about Terry is how perfectly his angles come together. Everything from his jaw to his collarbone, from his elbows to his hips… it’s all so amazingly constructed and so mathematical, which, though Anthony won’t admit it, really turns him on.
18. Anthony’s hands are very sensitive to everything. For example, when he hasn’t slept enough, they get twitchy and shake, despite his best efforts to the contrary. They’re most sensitive to touch and rubbing his hands is a surefire way to make him calm down and be more agreeable. But only Terry knows that, and he found out by accident, and he damn well better not tell anyone else or there will be Hell to pay.
19. It takes a lot to make Anthony actually angry; mostly, he just gets irritated and whines.
20. Anthony needs to get laid. Sooner rather than later and preferably by Terry, who he won’t admit to having a crush on but occasionally stares at in Charms anyway.