behold: Crouch!Drabbles.

May 07, 2006 13:14

Non-Barty-centric Crouch!Drabbles, even! Written for hp100's "Rhymes with Witch" challenge.

Title: A Mother’s Love
Rating: G/PG
Words: 100
Witch: Mrs. Crouch
Rhyme: Switch

Azkaban stinks like death… decay and the lost souls of people who probably don’t deserve them. And this is where he sent their son… he deserved it more than Barty did; at least Barty has some sense of what’s important, twisted though it may be…

It’s entirely his father’s fault, really. She loves him, but it’s true. He never loved Barty the way she did - and she’s the mother, she’s supposed to, but obviously it wasn’t enough. If it had been, this wouldn’t have happened.

But she’ll make up for it now, be the loving parent his father never was.

Title: Smile
Rating: G
Words: 100
Witch: Mrs. Crouch
Rhyme: Niche

Smiling comes naturally to her. Her smile was always her best physical trait - her husband, father, and son all said so, anyway. In school, one of the older Hufflepuff boys said she could light up the room with her smile. So she guesses that it must fit… where she’s ended up.

She’s not a career woman like Millicent Bagnold or Amelia Bones. She’s not set to make some important discovery in magical theory or fight in a war, on either side. Even as a wife and mother, she’s not the best.

But she can smile. She’s always good at that.

Title: Insecticide
Rating: G/PG
Words: 100
Witch: Mrs. Crouch
Rhyme: Pitch

He advances on her again, raising an annoying hand to touch her face; she smacks it away like the fly he is.

“…I know you don’t like it, but it had to be done.”
“He’s our son, Bartemius… and you sent him there… with those people-”
“He’s dangerous. I’d tell you to ask the Longbottoms, but you know how that would end up.”
“Dangerous? Bellatrix Lestrange is dangerous. He’s a nineteen-year-old boy-”
“Who, if you haven’t noticed, joined the Death Eaters and mastered the Cruciatus Curse!”
“He always was a bright boy…”
“Demeter, please-”
“If he’s despicable, then you’re worse.”

drabbles, rhymes with witch, g, hp100, challenge, mrs. crouch, pg, hp

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