Apr 30, 2009 10:39

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

A couple of weeks ago, it was ignorant Prejean, blabbing her opinion on the “gay lifestyle”, and her beliefs about gay marriage. She kept talking after the incident, and went so far as to claim that people choose to be gay. Clearly, she chose to be a heterosexual, and barely escaped a lesbian lifestyle. All I could think of everything she was saying was, shut the fuck up you ignorant twit. Seriously, we don’t need your bible thumping views and ignorant ideas to set our fight for equal rights back any more than we need a nail through the foot. Thanks. Moving on…

It doesn’t take long for another twit to get the mic, because here’s another person that I want to STFU: Virgina Foxx. She claims that Matthew Shepard’s HORRIBLE and VIOLENT death was not because he was gay, when it is like 99.9% clear that it was. I will never understand why people are so opposed to hate crime legislation, when so many people have been the victim of hate crimes. No one should have to be brutally slaughtered because of who they are, the color of their skin, or who they love. And if you are against it, fine, that’s your bag, but it’s reprehensible that she would go so far to discredit hate crimes legislation, and claim Matthew’s death was a “simple robbery”. How people can have their stupid heads buried this deep in the sand, and how they can somehow get public platforms is beyond me. Hey Virgina, STFU, alright? Just like Prejean, we don’t need your hateful ignorance, and your warped sense of reality mucking up things for us while we FIGHT for civil rights. What is so scary about gay people just being equal with everyone else?

It really peeves me even more that these are two women, who should know what it means not to have equal rights, seeing as women had to fight for them too. How quickly people forget. You know, you are entitled to your opinion, that’s true, but sometimes, you should think about the ramifications of your “ideals”, and just STFU already. Seriously, go back to your church and tell your mindless followers this crap; keep the public forum free of your hate-driven lies and ignorance please.

stupid, ignorant, shut the fuck up!, civil rights, gay, prejean, that is so gay, venting, wtf?!, virginia foxx, tragic, gay-rights, is it just me?, matthew shepard, really?, stfu

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