Originally published at
duanemoody.com. Please leave any
comments there.
This very thing is exactly what happened 15 or so times last night while I was watching TV. Seriously, I get that the weather is bad, and I get that people need to know, but just cutting off a show halfway in, and never going back to it is at a bare minimum, extremely annoying; ESPECIALLY when all you are doing is showing me a map, and you continually repeat yourself for like 30 minutes (I’m looking at you channel 2 weather dude). Additionally, the National Weather Service seriously needs to update to like, I don’t know, THIS century? That message system that was designed and probably totally savvy in 1942 is kind of outdated, don’t you think?
I also don’t understand something: I have an HDTV, and watch shows in HD. So how come, when they need to scroll something across the screen, they make the picture tiny, and ADD graphics around it? Can’t you just leave the picture alone, and scroll the info at the bottom? Seriously, making a graphic, and shrinking the picture down is not cool. Again, annoying. I am all for you informing the public, but do you have to be such a nuisance about it?
Finally, if I see one more of those “the conversion to digital TV is coming…” announcements on an HD channel I am going to scream. CLEARLY, if I am watching an HD channel, I HAVE a digital signal, and am receiving it normally, dumb asses. Stop this shit!