Originally published at
duanemoody.com. Please leave any
comments there.
I know that I already posted today, but this has me in such an uproar, that I literally feel my skin crawling as I sit here typing this. A close friend of mine who lives in California has alerted me to what can only be described as a
redistribution of hate. I actually had to read this twice, because I wanted to deny that people would be this blatantly racist and hateful; especially the very people that are currently experiencing such hate themselves!!!
So listen up: GAYS!!! DO NOT become a racist because YOU think that “blacks” are to blame for Prop 8. PEOPLE are responsible for it. People voted for it, and people need to be convinced that Prop 8 has no place in the law. It doesn’t matter what color of skin they had when they voted; WHITE people voted for it to! DO NOT under any circumstances think that it is now okay to turn the hate that has been thrust upon us onto another oppressed group; doing so is so unbelievably hypocritical, not to mention insanely hurtful to the black gay and lesbians that are also a part of our community.
If you find yourself mad because of Prop 8, I am WITH YOU. But I will turn on you in a fucking heartbeat if I hear any of the shit come from that was described in the aforementioned article. There is NO PLACE for redistributed hate, and I frankly am ashamed that white gay people would act this way. You know better. We ALL know better. Let’s fight this fight together, against anyone that voted for or believes that gay people don’t deserve civil rights… the color of their skin is inconsequential, and it is outright racism to place blame on any one race; especially when white people voted for Prop 8 too.
I honestly don’t want to believe that something like this would still happen. I was born to a southern family who threw around the N word as if it were common language, and I find it unacceptable that people are still racist towards black people; especially gay people experiencing the same level of bigotry from this vote. My friend told me that he found it hard to go out and fight the fight with the rest of his so-called gay brethren because of this displaced hatred, and I really, really want him to know that I am ashamed that anyone could be so hateful, and I hope that we can stop all of this finger pointing, and focus on Prop 8; not the color of someone’s skin who voted for Prop 8. I wish that I could make everyone of those people perpetrating this behavior understand how wrong they are for doing this.
Wow. I am just in shock.