sorry i can't post entries as frequent as before because our internet provider's still under maintenance..>__< it's been like more than 3 weeks's frustrating but somehow it feels a bit of relief coz i could focus more to my work..
anyways, it was honestly pretty difficult in my part to select the winner of my cd contest or whatever you call that, coz all of those fangirls who commented have relevant answers, but i need to choose only one since i only have one hns re...>__< so to those who left comments that won't get picked, please keep supporting jump..(^ o ^)/
so the single goes to *drumroll*
Kris10RM congratulations! please give me your details (complete name, address, phone number) and i will ship the item on september 23rd~. thank you!^^
last but not the least, anybody here from the philippines who owns a collection of sweet valley twins pocketbooks and is willing to sell them for low prices or trade with my mnsb re, jump no.1 re or chinen spring 2011 uchiwa?