( fandom student application )
AGE: 29/August 20, 1981
CONTACT: AIM: finite witch; Plurk: countermelody
foggylondon &
NAME: Vriska Serket
CANON: MS Paint Adventures: Homestuck
MSPA WikiAGE: Six solar sweeps, which is equal to thirteen Earth years.
GENDER: Female
ENROLLMENT: Her tuition is paid via a trust fund left to her after her mother's death.
APPEARANCE: In canon, Vriska has long, dark hair that's a bit messy, a pair of horns which look like a scorpion's claw and stinger, grey skin, and yellow-tinged eyes. Her right eye has seven pupils. She wears rounded glasses, and heavy blue eyeliner and lipstick. Her clothing is simple in comparison; she wears a dark grey overshirt, a t-shirt with her zodiac symbol on it, jeans, and red-and-white sneakers.
In Reims, she'll be tall for her age, with her dark hair and glasses still the same. Rather than the blue lipstick, she'll have her fingernails constantly painted blue, and the horns are a headband she wears sometimes.
PERSONALITY: More often than not, Vriska really does act like the HUGE BITCH she's called in canon. It doesn't particularly matter whether she likes you or she doesn't; she'll eventually find a reason to be a huge bitch towards you. Vriska is not above any of the following: cheating, lying, manipulating others, teasing, giving misinformation, and grievous bodily harm, so long as it leads to her accomplishing what she wants. It happens if someone doesn't like her enough - or on the flip side, if someone doesn't hate her enough. Either way, she'll do what needs to be done. She's smart and she's crafty.
She sees herself as a born manipulator, and while she is good at it, there's a flip side to this. Vriska's easily manipulated herself at times, believing what someone else wants and acting on it. This duality in her personality comes out in this and a few other ways. She's able to kill someone, yes, but she does still feel guilt about it. She can cheat her way through a series of puzzles while at the same time helping someone with another set. She alternates between antagonistic and altruistic behavior at a moment's notice.
Yes, altruistic. She's quite helpful when she wants to be, willingly offering information, hints, tips, and the like. This is a pretty unpredictable swing in her personality, though. It comes out when she wants to, and occasionally, when she doesn't want it to. As long as it all works out in the end...
This tends to make her interpersonal relationships rather tempestuous, at best. It's hard to like someone who's swinging between extremes as much as she does. She tends to antagonize her own friends at times, or at least call them names - 'lousy goddamn stupid supportive friend' being one particular example. People find her hard to take, because she runs on full circuit constantly, and her alliances are never truly stable. When someone likes her, she wants them to hate her, and vice versa.
Vriska is a strong believer in luck. She believes hers is horrible and others have it much, much better. While she believes in it, not everything she does is due to bad luck. For example, she steps on pointy d4s constantly, and believes it's due to bad luck, but in reality, it's because she doesn't clean up after herself. Things like this happen fairly frequently for her. It's no less true when she attains God Tier status in canon, letting her regain some of the power she has - switching from no luck to all the luck. It makes her far more willing to take risks, to roll the dice and follow where they land.
One last thing of note: Vriska's only mode, so to speak, is Full Power. She expects this of herself, even if she's occasionally seen looking down on herself. (For example, calling her blood 'enviable cerulean swill', when in the social caste system trolls go by, this places her rather high on the totem pole.) More than that, she expects it out of everyone else. She takes things seriously and expects that of everyone else.
COMPUTER APTITUDE: Vriska's good enough with filtering and such, and she's constantly on instant messenger clients as well as MMORPGS, but she's no programmer or hacker. She's got more important things to do, and if she needs something hacked, she'll just get someone to do it for her.
[Note: all appearances by other characters were run by and okayed with the muns.]
Vriska Serket was born to a mother who fancied herself to be a scholar of Indian and Egyptian cultures. She's never actually known her father; he left her mother when he learned she was pregnant. But this was all right. Mother and daughter were close, but Vriska's always been a little afraid of her. Her mother was strict and had the classic mother bear instincts about her. It was intimidating, to say the least.
She was a bright girl from the very beginning, imaginative and witty. Her mother encouraged this side of her, and she blossomed. Her grades were always good, adults complimented her on how good she was...her only flaw seemed to be her inability to keep her room clean. Well, that and her slight inability to get along with the other children at school. She was the one who instigated trouble more often than she was the one who actually did whatever it was. Cherry bomb in the boys' bathroom? Vriska didn't do it, obviously, but she gave the culprit the idea. This didn't win her very many friends at school.
At times, she seemed to be off in her own little world, playing fancy pretend games where she was a fierce pirate named Mindfang. Mindfang is a truly dashing pirate, the scourge of the Seven Seas. She constantly performs tricks and feats of derring-do. It's
a game her mother never stopped, and when she was old enough, she began roleplaying as Mindfang online. She started with forums, but eventually, it migrated to a combination of LARPing and playing an MMORPG. She became hooked on the latter, her preferred game one called SBURB.
In the course of becoming addicted to the game, Vriska made a number of acquaintances in it. She began spending more and more time playing, but her grades never suffered, so her mother didn't worry terribly much about it. Her teachers had no issues with her behavior, and in fact, she was instigating far less incidents of trouble than she had been before. The fact she seemed to have friends somewhere, even if not in school, was seen as a good thing. There was never a cap put on it.
Vriska took advantage of it, using her chances to spend more and more time in the game. She became known as a fierce player-killer, repeatedly focusing on just a few: those belonging to 'apocalypseArisen' and 'adiosToreador'. She eventually found out their real-world identities, Aradia Megido and Tavros Nitram, and made contact with them offline. They met offline a few times, despite Vriska's player-killing, via the group Vriska LARPed with.
You'd think that would stop her from picking on them so much, but the opposite happened. It went forth with even more vigor. She used those offline meetings to pick on them online, and vice versa. There was one player that tried to stop this cycle, though. That was That was 'grimAuxiliatrix', or Kanaya Maryam. These two became close outside the game as well. Her mother was pleased that she actually seemed to have a good friend online. It was more proof that her daughter was a normal functioning member of society.
Kanaya tried to warn Vriska something really bad would wind up happening if she didn't ease off on her trolling; it was a matter of karma. Those efforts mostly failed, though. One particular campaign was both ill-timed and tragic: Vriska and another player formed a team, and challenged Tavros and Aradia to a series of challenges.
In the end, all four players lost something, permanently. Vriska felt cheated by the loss of a particular character attribute, which would make her character weaker. She called Kanaya up, complaining, using the other girl as a sounding board. She was the one person that would listen to her, and she tried to console her without going overboard.
But on the same night as this incident, Vriska would suffer a more permanent loss. Her mother was killed in a car accident. This sent Vriska into a bit of a rampage. She'd lost something important in the two worlds that mattered to her, and she was not going to stand by and let that happen. In the course of trashing her room and her house completely on the night of her mother's death, she hurt herself - she wears glasses now because of the damage she did to her eye that night.
While the relatives that took her in were kind, Vriska began to act out more and more. Her roleplaying escalated to the point where she was acting things out at her school, and around her family, almost to the point of violence. In the end, they decided it was best that she be sent away for school. Vriska herself mentioned Reims, seeing as she had found out several of her SBURB friends, including Kanaya, were going there, and she enrolled not long after.
arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling reimsAcademy [RA]
I have found that there is a severe lack of roleplaying, save of the maaaaaaaassive multiplaaaaaaaayer online sort, around this caaaaaaaampus. This situation is simply unfathoma8le!!!!!!!!
Therefore, consider yourselves challenged!!!!!!!! I am challenging all of you to come LARP with me tonight. 8e on the Quad at 8 if you want to play. 8ring your own dice, as I cannot allow anyone to touch my precious set. Also, 8ring your own note-taking pens, if you a8solutely haaaaaaaave to have notes on everything. I used up all of mine already. All of them.
I'll 8e looking forward to it. ::::)
[translation for typing quirk:
I have found that there is a severe lack of roleplaying, save of the massive multiplayer online sort, around this campus. This situation is simply unfathomable!
Therefore, consider yourselves challenged. I am challenging all of you to come LARP with me tonight. Be on the Quad at 8 if you want to play. Bring your own dice, as I cannot allow anyone to touch my precious set. Also, bring your own note-taking pens, if you absolutely have to have notes on everything. I used up all of mine already. All of them.
I'll be looking forward to it. :) ]
Thursday afternoons meant practice for the middle school debate team. It had been one of her favorite activities at her old school, and it was no different here. Okay, so it might have been her thing, more than anyone else's, but Vriska didn't particularly care. While her favorite debate partner might not have been there, there were still plenty of others who she could share a bit of cunning wit with.
Not that she was going to openly admit to missing her. She was still back at home, with her dreams of law school, and that was fine. It wasn't being here, with the old gang from Sburb, but no matter. A spider could be patient for as long as it took. Besides, she needed practice against those with sharp wit...
...only her current opponent wasn't one of them. Oh, he could spin a finee web of words, all right, but his argument had some rather fatal flaws. Really, the whole thing was a series of flaws, one after the other. She grinned as she was asked for her rebuttal. This was going to be glorious, even if it was only practice for the one she considered her real opponent.
"Thank you. I'd like to start with Mr. Smith's statement that the future's materials for building are only created in laboratories. Spider silk has been known for its strength and delicacy for thousands of years. As we speak, scientists are working with some of the most dangerous and beautiful creatures on the planet in order to harness the full potential of the material. Light, strong, and infinite, it's truly a material that can only be found in nature. Science can't hope to create a building material as elegant."
Vriska glanced over at her opponent, and smirked. Oh, yes. She had this in the bag.
HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Vriska uses Guillotine de la Marquise on the RABID WOMBAT. It's super effective!