Jul 14, 2004 02:12
I'll make it shorter, lmfao.
How often do you end up listening to people's problems when you really don't care?: I always care about a friend's problems. I'll try to help anyone out though.
How far do you let people go before you tell them off?: Pretty damn far. lol
What does a friend have to do to be kicked out of your life?: Betray me deeply but I don't think there's very many people i've shut out completely cuz I always tell them that i'll always be there regardless of where our friendship stands or doesn't stand. <----*agrees*
How do you react to phone sales(wo)men?: Call back when Jackson is here LOL. jk jk
How often to people just randomly start talking to you?: It happens now and then lol.
How long does it take you to warm up to people?: Not long at all.
Are you usually invited to go on outings with friends/coworkers/schoolmates/whoever?: Yea, more than I can possibly attend. lol
What is your view, in general, on rules?: I know how far to push the boundaries lol.
Do you ever call in sick to work/school/whatever when you aren't?: No no no
When out with your SO, a friend comes over and starts hanging all over him/her. How do you react?: *not much of a jealous one either* I'll ask later when I get the chance.
Have you ever hooked up with someone you knew was attached? If yes, would you again? If not, would you ever?: Never..and never.
What do you consider to be the kinkiest thing you've done?: Whipped cream, handcuffs, and blindfold. hehe
Whats the kinkiest you'll ever do?: We'll just have to wait and see, won't we? :p
What do you think about masturbation?: Go ahead. lol
Do you think masturbation should be a part of your sex life with your lover?: No, I don't think it "should"
When you're about to reach orgasm, what is usually going through your mind?: no comment lmfao
Is discussing sex with your partner scary for you, a turn on, just a healthy practice, etc?: It's a positive thing
Do you fake orgasm? Do you do it often?: I'm a guy, I don't think I'm biologically able to fake one. lol
How often do you like to have sex?: Whenever the urge arises? (no, it's actually not that often)
How often does your partner like to have sex?: I'll just keep quiet on this one, lmao. *teases*...but really, it's all the damn time...cant i get a break??? lmao :p
Do you feel comfortable communicating sexual desires?: Depends with whom.
How long do you like foreplay to last?: Hey, I'm workin on it. :p
How do you feel about dirty talk?: I love it.
The person you've been seeing for a month proposes. How do you react?: Shell-shocked and I'd be very suspicious and start to wonder....
Which movie does your romantic life remind you of?: One with a roller coaster plot. All the pain and the hurt, but with great moments too.
What article of clothing would you most like to receive from your lover?: anything actually lol. How about a lingerie piece?
Do you believe gifts are an integral part of romance?: I think the thought behind it is integral.
Do you believe expensive dinners are an integral part of romance?: Definitely not.
Are flowers?: It's sweet.
What did you give your SO for valentine's day?: It's a secret. lol
What did your SO get for you?: See above. lol
What is your philosophy on love and falling in love?: Sometimes ya gotta take risks.
How do you know when you love someone?: I can't describe it.
When did you know you loved the person you're with (or last person you were with)?: There were some moments that made me realize it.
When you are in love with your SO, do you expect things to change at all in your relationship? How? Does this ever happen?: More things to gain, more sacrifices to give.
What is the most important aspect of a love relationship?: Faith, respect, and communication
How often does your SO compliment you?: very often
How often do you want to be complimented?: Every once and a while is nice.
How often do you compliment them?: very often
Does your SO make enough time for you?: yes as much as she can
Does your SO surprise you with gifts?: yea
You guys can't agree on what movie to rent. Do you tend to give in to your SO, compromise, or get your own way?: probably compromise, but if not, i'll let her make the choice
Do you believe in love at first site?: No I don't believe in that.
Have you ever had dreams of yourself walking down the aisle?: Yep
Do you read bridal magazines?: Nope
When you go shopping do you notice things you'd like to incorporate into your wedding?: Not yet?
Do you have a set age you want to be married by, or an age that you won't get married until you reach it?: No set age at the moment. Just going with the flow...
What type of bridal party do you want? (small group of those you love, every friend you have, no party): Any friend that wants to come.
Will you let your groom see you before you go down the aisle?: Well I wouldn't be having a groom. I don't mind if the bride sees me.
What do you think about wedding etiquette?: It has its place.
Will the reception be classic, a drunken ho down, or something in the middle?: Let's all have a good time peoples! lol
You want the guests to look (casual, elegent, how they want): Casual, but still dressed up.
What is your dream honeymoon spot:? Caribbeans
How many children do you want?: 2-3
What do you hope their sex is?: At least one boy and one girl
Do you have name ideas?: I think so? lmao
What do you hope they're like as a baby?: resembles me! lmao (and my wife, lol)..and of course healthy and all that good stuff
Toddler?: ditto
Child?: ditto
Preteen?: ditto
Teen?: ditto
Adult?: ditto
Parent?: ditto
Friend?: ditto
Student?: ditto
Any preferences on looks?: nah..he/she will have part of me in him/her. awwwww lol :o)