(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 09:54

It looks like my little Neko face is headbanging to the brilliant musical stylings of hide (R.I.P.), and his band Zilch. XD

For those of you who were worried by my last entry, I'm alright now, and I have been for a while. I don't know what the hell happened there, I guess I was just in one of those "fuck this" kind of moods.

Now, onto happier news. :D

My Unreal Tournament 2004 clan won their first match! :: beams :: It was close, we won the series 2-1 in the tie breaker (2-3, 5-1, 5-2), coming back from a 2-0 deficit half way through the last round. If you want all the details, tough shit, 'cause I'm not gonna post them again. XP But, since its my LJ, I can brag about the fact that I lead our clan in frags, goals, and assists. ^n__n^ Instead, you can read the posts at groups.msn.com/k2oknowntoownk2o, our clan's temporary webbie. For those of you who haven't guessed, I'm [K2O]Sora. XD We have two more matches coming up, one against The Enforcers, a European clan. Should be a tough match. The other one is a rematch against Fuck Modders, only this time we're playing InstaGib. That's what they specialize in, so it should definitely be a challenge...

I haven't been getting a lot of sleep, lately. ^;_;^ I just want to go back up to my room, climb up to my bed, and collapse for a few hours. I might do just that after classes today... if only I could stay awake right now...
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