Oct 13, 2014 12:53
For those not on FB, Magic's now reached 15 years and is down to 5 lbs. The weight is despite me constantly feeding her the good gooshy food, even some that is made for kittens for the weight gain. The vet discovered that her thyroid is screwed up, so she is going in for radiation therapy later this month. It will be a better solution than surgery, which won't likely get everything that is wrong and is better on me than fighting a cat twice a day to get her to take meds. Jake is known to her as "Uncle Bad Guy" for his assistance in the dosing of said 5 lbs of "grumpy old lady in a fur coat".
Except for how tiny she is, you couldn't tell she's sick. She's not lethargic by any means and will not only eat everything I give her but will forage and go for even the dog's food. Which is funny when you see the much larger dog staring at this tiny furball with this "well shit, now what?" look on his face.
Meanwhile Eeyore has gotten over his fear of her to the point that he now comes into "her" room to look out the window.