(no subject)

Aug 14, 2005 04:08

Aden was never comfortable bringing people home with him. He hadn't even brought his sister home--she'd had to stalk him. She was tricky like that. In reality, Aden had yet to even bring his lover to his run down apartment...but he had places he could go besides that.

He grinned over at Rosie, riding beside him. He was glad he got her away from that annoying bloke; didn't like seeing Rosie upset since she seemed like such a nice, upbeat kinda lady. Aden brought her to his little New Jersey town--hop, skip and a jump in the Nexus-- to a pretty overlook kids used to use for making out and the like. Aden liked it because it was always quiet, so nice to overlook the city like that. He hoped Rosie would agree.
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