((OOC: Since Loz is technically doing the field trip thing, and left the school as soon as he got here, he hasn't had time to post anything yet. I do apologize for that. But...I would like to do something for all of you here at
m_sariacademyAs a thank you for 200+ comments on the first entry, and everyone being sooooo nice and everything, I decided to humiliate
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Kim: Reeve! Geez! You're soooo nice to the new students aren't you. *rolls her eyes*
Rufus: ...is he going to hurt me?! >.>; *cough* I mean... that's right Reeve.. Don't go picking on the blissfully ignorant now. *smirk*
Cely: Look what you did NOW! *goes to whap Reeve, but stops just short.* >< I might hit the goatee...what do I do?!
Kim: *hits Reeve on the head with a rolled up newspaper* Just do that? :P For a muse, Reeve, you sure are evil. What did Loz do to you? >< Hmph. No Oreos for you.
Cely *steals the paper, then whaps Kim with it all zombeh like* *.* Must...not...hurt...the Reeve and his goatee...power of the goatee...
((OMG! >> Axel almost kicked my ass in kh2 *cries* >> Although, if THAT'S Reno's voice in AC, then I don't think I'm ever leaving my room >>;;;))
Kim: *eeps and hides behind Reeve* REEVE! Stop her from hurting me! T.T;
Reeve: *smirks* The power of the goatee refuses to help you!
Kim: *RUNS*
((Axel's VA is the same as Reno's! *squees* So yeah, when I get KHII and AC!english version, I don't think I will be either. XDD))
Cely: Hey, who am I complaining? You just picked up a bishounen and carried him around for a while >>; It's cute.
Loz: *sweatdrops, then goes over to protect Kim from his Mun* Remember, you LIKE her, okay? She's your friend. >>;
Cely: But...but...the goatee! It didn't want to get hurt!
Loz: *grabs up Reeve and holds a bic razor near his face* Get back, or the goatee will get it!
Cely: *backs away VERY slowly* ...now, don't do anything crazy, Loz...I'm...I'm gonna stop now. *sets the rolled up newspaper on the ground* See? I'm just...gonna go over here...
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